Whom-ever the "Clown Prince" annointed to do the vetting of prospective members of his regime missed a clear opportunity to add a "world-class" fascist!! The subject of that opportunity is Congressman Ed Markey, the dupe (owe-bamacRAT) from Massachussets' seventh district. This guy is s-o-o-o fascist as to be misguided, even by 'Princely' standards!!
At issue here is the EPA's plans to circumvent the legislative process--to conduct some social-engineering--by imposing fees on the use of fossil fuels; consistant with owe-bama's incessant attack on America's prime energy sources-coal, oil and natural gas. owe-bama--in concert with HIS EPA--would like nothing more than have the American way-of-life return to that of the Stone Age. owe-bama--during the first 'Campaign of Fluff'--blathered many times about his plans to destroy America's energy system as it then existed:{*}
The primary problem with this: a 'Stone Age way-of-life' will only apply to 'the serf class (you and I!!)' while those of the ruling and dependency classes will most probably not be affected-they don't "work-for-a-livin'" in the traditional sense.
{*}owe-bama sought to make electricity prices 'necessarily skyrocket' through "cap-and-trade" legislation and bankrupt the coal-fired power plants.
Yesterday (04/07), the House approved H.R. 910 'The Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011,' which precludes the aforementioned EPA plan to circumvent the Congress' taxing authority. This most probably will be 'an exercise in futility;' there's little chance the Senate will vote to approve. The EPA plan quite possibly could go into effect in the future. If the House republicRATs are truly going to bring the legislative branch--and by extension, the executive branch--back to the provisions--and restrictions--of the United States Constitution, they'd be forced to 'de-fund' the EPA.
(FINALLY, he might arrive at his point!) The aforementioned commie-fascist Markey--ascribing to the 'Team Sorobama' whine--has a whine of his own:{**}
As with most owe-bamacRATic fascist dupes,
{**}"Today [04/07/'11] the House Republicans voted against a measure that would strip EPA of it's ability to reduce dangerous carbon pollution. These votes stand as a testament to the Republican priorities of fealty to the oil and gas company interests instead of their duty to protect American citizens. The EPA has the authority to increase the efficiency of cars, trucks, planes, trains, ships and other vehicles to reduce America's use of oil, the majority of which is imported from foreign countries."The fascists have determined what lightbulbs we can use, how much water we use in toilets; NOW, they want to foist upon us dirty 'patties,' fungus infested 'tennie-runners,' stinky trash bags, just to illustrate a very few uses of the chemical-triclosan.
The time has come for the Congress to dissolve the Environmental Protection Agency! With their over-reaching authority and rulings-the EPA has demonstrated their partisan, ultra-liberal, ultra-progressive stance in every aspect of American life!!
Til Nex'Time....
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