Thursday, April 7, 2011

This'n'That; April Seventh #4; A 'Success' Story

[A 'better view' of this entry:]
....'n' owe-bama Had Nuttin' Ta Do Wid'it!!
    These folks are taking "Live Free or Die" to the extreme!!  New Hampshire's state and local governments have learned how to 'live within their means;'
    {*}New Hampshire governments spent 20% less--per capita--than it's New England neighbors, primarily through tightened income eligibility requirements for Medicaid; the state's low poverty rate reduced expenditures on welfare programs.
"New Hampshire is known for it's desire to have a more limited role for the public sector, and so those choices come into account."--Yolanda Kodrzycki of The Fed's 'New England Public Policy Center.'
    New Hampshire's income stream includes taxes on: property, meals, hotel rooms, tobacco, dividends and a 'business enterprise' tax-among others.  The revenue stream does not include an income tax or a general sales tax.
    I lived in New Hampshire--twice--for a time in the 1960s and again in the 1970s.  I enjoyed most aspects of my time there.  If they didn't get so much danged snow; if it weren't so danged cold up there--I'd be living there now, rather than the socialist, marxist, fascist, communist State of New York!!
Til Nex'Time....



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