A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 07/07/2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Indianapolis, Indiana
not "barackingham Palace"
Hi. I’m speaking with you today from the Allison Transmissions plant in Indianapolis, Indiana. I came here because this is a place where American workers are doing some big and impressive things.
The hybrid technology they manufacture here already powers nearly 4,000 buses all over the world – buses that have already saved 15 million gallons of fuel. Soon, they’ll expand this new technology to trucks as well. That means more vehicles using less oil, and that means jobs – more than 200 new workers at this plant alone. That’s important because even as the economy is growing after one of the worst recessions in our history; even as we’ve added more than 2 million new private sector jobs over the past 14 months; I still meet and hear from Americans struggling to get out of their own personal recessions. A lot of folks are still looking for work. And many folks who do have jobs are finding that their paychecks aren’t keeping up with the rising costs for everything from tuition to groceries to gas. In fact, in a lot of places across the country, like Indiana, gas is reaching all-time highs. So although our economy hasn’t been the focus of the news this week, not a day that goes by that I’m not focused on your jobs, your hopes and your dreams. And that’s why I came here to Allison Transmissions.
[What I'm not telling you: {Did you notice that I'm blathering from a factory in Indianapolis, Indiana?!? Campaign blatherings are not allowed on federal property, i.e., "barackingham Palace," and this is a "Tour d' Lies" blather. You have to pay my transportation [at $181,000 per flight-hour] to campaign against your principles!!} How many busses do you suppose are on the planet today? This 4,000 number is infintesimal by comparison! Might the low 4,000 number reflect a lack of confidence in renewal energy? Most of the countries using the vast majority of busses on the planet are those fascist dictatorships I support and applaud! They are also sources of much of the world's crude oil supplies; renewal energy doesn't mean crap to them. In the U.S., we mandate the use of 15% ethanol in every gallon of gas. What we don't tell the motoring public: Ethanol in any amount, reduces fuel mileage and is a primary cause of premature engine failure!!
Every day I wake up, I'm thankful that my handlers--George Soros and Valerie Jarrett--have convinced the 'national pamphleteers' not to use or refer to, the 'U-6' unemployment rate, which is currently hovering in the 17-18% range. These recently released unemployment and 'added jobs' numbers are a complete fabrication; cleaver accounting to make them look less painful! How can 244,000 jobs mystically appear and still have the unemployment rate go from 8.8 to 9.0%?!? Remember--during the last administration--when jobs numbers were positive; my fascist pals villified George Bush for creating 'hamburger-flipper' jobs with low pay and no benefits, remember that?!? Well, of those recently created 244,000 jobs, 62,000 (a full 25%!) were created at McDonald's Corp-king of the "hamburger-flipper mountain!!" [That wasn't on the teleprompter!!] The Bureau of Labor Statistics--also 'subtly' controlled by Soros and Jarrett--uses what's known as the "Birth-Death Adjustment." These adjustments--which I don't claim to understand; Soros/Jarrett just order me to go along with the statistics--are clearly formulated for obfuscation; for accounting trickery to massage the numbers into a more palatable form for public consumption! When the statistical manipulation, adjustments and other skullduggery was completed, the net gain in jobs was a paltry 7,000 net new jobs!! A Helluva ways from 244,000 ain't it?!?
With fuel pump prices reaching all-time highs in many areas, the motoring public will soon demand a reduction in state and federal fuel tax rates! We of the owe-bama regime are ready for you, America!! We've got a plan in the works to start taxing the driving public by-the-mile travelled; cleaver, ain't it?!? I'm sure that when my handlers convince enough fascists and republicRAT socialists to vote in enacting legislation, the state and federal at-the-pump, per gallon, tax rates will neither drop nor be eliminated; all in the name of wealth re-distribution!!]
The clean energy jobs at this plant are the jobs of the future – jobs that pay well right here in America. And in the years ahead, it’s clean energy companies like this one that will keep our economy growing, create new jobs, and make sure America remains the most prosperous nation in the world. Allison Transmissions is also part of the ultimate solution to high gas prices. We know there are no quick fixes to this problem. In the short term, we’re doing everything we can to boost safe and responsible oil production here at home – in fact, last year, American oil production reached its highest level since 2003. But over the long term, the only way we can avoid being held hostage to the ups and downs of oil prices is if we reduce our dependence on oil. That means investing in clean, alternative sources of energy, like advanced biofuels and natural gas. And that means making cars and trucks and buses that use less oil. Other countries know this, and they’re going all in to invest in clean energy technologies and clean energy jobs. But I don’t want other countries to win the competition for these technologies and these jobs. I want America to win that competition. I want America to win the future.
[What I'm not telling you: Green-energy jobs are just "so much crap!!" Thusfar, they're proving unsustainable without massive federal subsidies and mandates. We literally pay companies to hire workers; to engage in these unsustainable technologies!! The real solution to high fuel prices is practicing conservative economic principles; to provide more domestic oil production; to reduce corporate and individual taxes; then Get-The-Hell out'ta the way!! But, that ain't the fascist; the Soros; the Jarrett; way!! Another sure benefit would be for the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime to stop ignoring the Federal court orders to end our Gulf drilling moritorium. If Soros, Jarrett and I didn't want other countries to win the energy battle, why did we loan Brazil billions-of-dollars to increase production capacity; provide funding for Chile to upgrade their refinery technology; output?!? Why did I promise Brazil that America would be their best energy customer?!? Oops, off teleprompter again!! George Soros is heavily invested in both countries' oil and energy production!]
Now, I know that in a difficult fiscal climate like the one we’re in, it’s tempting for some to try and cut back our investments in clean energy. And I absolutely agree that the only way we’ll be able to afford the things we need is by cutting the things we don’t and living within our means. But I refuse to cut investments like clean energy that will help us out-innovate and out-compete the rest of the world. I refuse to cut investments that are making it possible for plants like this one to grow and add jobs across America. We can do this. I don’t just believe that because I see it happening in plants like this. I believe that because I believe in the Americans making it happen in places like this. I’m optimistic about our economic future, because for all the challenges we face, America is still home to the most entrepreneurial, most industrious, most determined people on Earth. There’s nothing we can’t accomplish when we set our minds to it. And that’s what we’ll keep doing as long as I have the privilege of being your President.
[What I'm not telling you: The first--most important--thing you should take away from this week's blather opportunity is that--to Soros; to Jarrett; to me--the word 'investment' is defined as the pissing-away, the wasting, of federal tax dollars in the ruse of wealth re-distribution. We--the regime--need these 'piss-aways' to reward our supporters and campaign contributors for their past, current and future support during this campaign's "Tour d'Lies!" In just two-and-one-quarter years, we've managed to practically destroy the American Dream, nay, America itself--that's the 'privilege' I carry forward!!]
Saturday, May 7, 2011
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