Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This'n'That; May Tenth #2; owe-bamaKare

owe-bamaKare Death Panels Becoming A REALITY!
    Two things we must keep in mind:
  • A.  The title and acronym:  The Independent Payment advisory Board (IPAB).
  • B.  The Dr Donald Berwick quote: "I'm a romantic about the National Health Service [England's].  I love it."
    As with everything federal, 'IPAB' will--over time--evolve into something that was never 'pitched' to the American people; never intended to be, legislatively or medically.  Without change, one has but to look at Great Britain's "National Health Service" to see where America will be in 5-10-20 years.  It will be guided by the--gentle or heavy--hand of Dr Burwick, owe-bama's head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Surely Burwick will ease the reality of IPAB into a model of NHS's National Institute for Clinical Effectiveness (NICE), which he loves so!
    NICE has determined the value of human life to be just US$44,000!  If more than $44,000 per year is needed to extend life, NICE is not likely to approve the expenditures.  Dr Berwick calls NICE a "global treasure."  NICE was originally promoted as a board to promote the 'best practices,' BUT has evolved --governmentally--into a rationing death panel!!
    Dr Berwick--in praising the English system--said:  "It's not a question if we will ration care" he explained, "It is whether we will ration with our eyes open."  There you have it;  the question becomes not if we have rationed health care, but when we have rationed health care!!
Til Nex'Time....



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