Friday, June 17, 2011

This'n'That; June Seventeenth #1 More Weiner(s)

Weiner Resigns For $1.3Million Benefit!
    I knew the professional politicians at the federal level were "screwing us to the wall," but I didn't think it was this bad!!  SmartMoney Magazine (published by the Wall Street Journal) has a really good expose' which explains (just) this one area that the politicians legally screw us.  I highly recommend that anyone interested, read the SmartMoney article:
    The retirement benefits you and I fund for these schlubs is disgraceful!!  They only have to 'work for us' for ten years and can retire with a substantial (to me) monthly check starting at age 56!  In the Weiner's case, he can take reduced benefits of $25,000 at that age or wait til he's 62 and receive an annual benefit of $35,000 the rest of his life!!  That's with just 12 years' federal employment.  The aforementioned SmartMoney article does a comparison between the Weiner and a commoner like you and I.  Very Informative!
Til Nex'Time....



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