Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This'n'That; June Seventh #1; Should Weiner Resign?!?

Weiner Should "Pull A 'Lee'?!?"
    While not reaching the distasteful level of a 'camoflaged weiner,'  former Rep Chris Lee (NY-26) resigned in disgrace after emailing a photo of his bare chest to a Craigslist user.  At the time, everyone-under-the-sun called for Lee's resignation;  Anthony Weiner (NY-9), not-so-much! 
This begs a sidebar question: Does all the 'federal slime' represent New York citizens?!?
    How is this 'Weiner' transgression not at the level of a 'Lee offense;' not a resignable affront to common sensibilities?  Granted, 'sexting' has become more common-but primarily with the adolescents among us.  Should the citizens of New York's nineth Congressional District be subjected to continued mis-reprentation by nothing more than an adolescent in "big-boy pants?"
   How do we know this alleged duu-luu (broadcast accepted word for penis; credit: 'Brother Weese,' various Rochester, NY, radio stations) is really a duu-luu?  Could it not be the "Underwear Bomber-Redux?"  Could it not be a disguised pipe-bomb?
Til Nex'Time....



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