Monday, June 6, 2011

This'n'That; June Sixth #2; Az Wildfires

Will Arizona Be Treated Like Texas?!?
    Much like Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Arizona's Jan Brewer has stood up to the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime in most matters-enforcement!  We all remember Governor Perry's unsuccessful request for federal funds to fight Texas' disastrous wildfires.  We all remember Arizona's SB-1070 and the kerfuffle it caused between Governor Brewer and 'General' holder!!  There is a price to be paid for standing up to the socio-fascists.
    Now Governor Brewer is up against her own wildfires in Arizona.  So far, the state is battling separate wildfires, most notibly:
  • The Wallow Fire:  18 miles south of Alpine; 150,000 acres; 1,300 firefighters; $3,000,000 expense.
  • The Horseshoe Two Fire:  South of Portal, Az; 930 firefighters; 90,200 acres; $19,000,000 expense; 'human-caused'--owe-bamaspeak for the slimy bastards that are illegal aliens; Mexican drug smugglers-using their signal fires.
  • The Murphy Fire:  4 miles west of Tubac, (southern) Arizona; 290,000 acres; $3,800,000 expense.
  • (Unnamed) Pumphouse Wash: 7 miles south of  Flagstaff; under control-8 acres.
  • (Controlled Burn) North Kaibab Ranger District:  270 acre controlled-burn; north of Grand Canyon; south of Jacob Lake; to have begun June 2nd.
    While the Arizona wildfires haven't reached the scope and breadth of the Texas fires, Governor Brewer is sure to be stiffed by the SJo regime if she requests federal disaster aid.  Given the SJo regime's penchant for supporting every third-world-rathole-dictatorship at the expense of the American LEGAL citizen; at the expense of any RED state;  the 'Arizona money' will probably go to somewhere like Egypt in support of radicals like those of The muslim Brotherhood!!
Til Nex'Time....



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