Monday, June 6, 2011

This'n'That; June Sixth #1; Loss Of Control

Fascist Control Over All Things Financial!
    As reported the Heritage Foundation's blog, the 'Frank-Dodd' bill has spawned more control over the individual citizen with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)--if that's even possible!!!  The 'really slimy' George Soros made the supervisory position an "advisor to the president" and as such, does not require confirmation by the Senate as do the 'up-front' cabinet positions.  Elizabeth Warren is the SJo choice to play dictator over America's individual financial thought and action.
    Some of the freedoms this bureau will eradicate or tightly control:
  • Regulating services provided by automated teller machines; bill payments by phone; point-of-sale transfers in stores.
  • Supervising retail sales made by mail, telephone, fax, internet; how products can be advertised; how products can be shipped.
  • Collecting data from banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders and others to insure lending practices are "fair" to local communities.
  • Regulating terms and conditions of credit cards, mortgages, leasing, franchises and other financial services.
  • Overseeing communications between developers, prospective buyers and homeowners, including the types of printed materials that must be destributed based on the number of lots in a subdivision, including property restrictions and descriptions of climate and topography.
   So far, these types of unconstitutional intrusions into Americans' daily lives have been resisted by the right-minded republicRATs in Congress.  What ever happened to personal responsibility?  The socio-fascists that are the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama regime prey upon those who lazily want the federal government--government at any level--to make the important decisions for them.  This gives the ne'er-do-well individual someone--something--to blame when their lives 'go to hell in a handbasket!!' (For far more information, consult the URLs below.)
Til Nex'Time....



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