Friday, June 3, 2011

This'n'That; June Third #1; Whoa, WBZ!!

They're ALREADY Convinced!
    As we are wont to do, "the Young-Miss-Lovely" and I tune into WBZ-Radio, five-days-a-week as we wake up and get ready for the upcoming day.  'BZ' was my Northeast favorite as an over-the-road truck driver, before the advent of satellite radio, like WRVA (Richmond,Va) in the Mid-Atlantic region; like WSB (Atlanta, Ga) in the Southeast; like WOAI (San Antonio, Tx) in the South-Central; like KCMO (Kansas City, Mo) in the Central Plains; like KTNF (Minneapolis-St Paul, Mn) in the North-Central; all these stations are 'blowtorches' heard in 25-35 states during the overnight....  back to my point!
    The overnight show, "The Steve LeVeille Broadcast" has been hosted by Morgan White, Jr., during Steve's vacation; last Friday through this Friday (He'll return on the upcoming Sunday night into Monday morning).

Steve LeVeille
 As they normally do around 4:50AM or so, the show host converses with the upcoming news anchor to create a segue into the news programming upon the conclusion of the overrnight show. During the conversation between Morgan White and news anchor Joe Mathieu, Mr Mathieu expressed the liberal blather that "Clown Prince" owe-bama is imminently re-electable!!  Well, nothing could be further from the truth!!  But,  Massachusetts--or, as we auslanders say: Massa2shits--in general; Boston in particular has long been the bastion of socio-fascist thought and deed.

Morgan White, Jr.
  I remain steadfast in my belief the socio-fascists will never let logic or common-sense cloud their 'facts' while in the voting booth.  Many's the time I've wanted to 'call Mr LeVeille out' out on some of his statements in support of "Clown Prince" owe-bama!  The "Young Miss Lovely" reminds me that Steve is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal--not necessarily a bad thing--and no amount of conversation will ever change that; not even logic or common-sense.

Joe Mathieu
 So far as I know, Mr Mathieu is a new personality to the WBZ 'family,' so other than his statement in support of the imminent re-election of "Clown Prince" owe-bama, I really don't have any idea on the specifics of his political positions and opinions.  We surely know that he fits well into the region's 'socio-fascist' typecast!

Til Nex'Time....



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