Friday, June 3, 2011

This'n'That; June Third #2; More Fascists!

Soros' Nominee
    George Soros--guiding his dupes: Valarie Jarrett and "Clown Prince" owe-bama--has found the ultimate in socio-fascist nominees for the SJo Regime's "out-front" cabinet!  While Soros and Jarrett have normally selected the members of the SJo regime's "shadow cabinet," Soros is now picking the nominees for the 'authorized' cabinet; John Bryson, his nominee for Commerce Secretary.
    Bryson--while addressing a UC-Berkley group--spoke of the cap-and-trade system as a good vehicle for hiding the inherent carbon tax from the America people-the direct victims of this socio-fascist plot. 
    Bryson has been linked to Maurice Strong and his son, Fred.  The Strongs are truely evil, vile persons; making millions and billions by fleecing the public--in any country--with insider-trading and outwardly felonious investment scams.
    Bryson promotes 'green energy' through beat-down regulation:  "....the drivers are the portfolio standards, the renewable portfolio standards, those are  mandates--it's like the investor-owned utilities in California--33 percent [renewables] by 2020.  That's a driver.  You're not messing around with what's the price signal going to be.  If you don't get that done, you get penalized in a big way."
    Maurice Strong and ex-USvp algore are 'asshole buddies' along with "Clown Prince" owe-bama, his-own-self.  Both Strong and algore sit on the board of the 'Chicago Climate Exchange,' an organization with the sole purpose of scamming billions from the unsuspecting world-wide public!!  This particular scam is based on the debunked theory of man-made global-warming/climate change.
    "Clown Prince" owe-bama was instrumental in the formation of the aforementioned 'exchange,' while the Soros dupe sat on the board of the Joyce Foundation.  This charity gave two grants--totalling $1.1 million--which were instrumental in developing and launching the 'Chicago Climate Exchange.'  Said exchange now calls itself:  "North America's only cap-and-trade system for all six greenhouse gases, with global affiliates and world-wide projects."
    This whole gang--all the bold-faced names--are truly vile, despicable individuals; when taken as a group, would be candidates for pro-abortion poster children!!
Til Nex'Time....



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