Friday, July 8, 2011

This'n'That; July Eighth#1; Lyin' Arschloch

Lies, More Lies, More Dam' Lies!
    Mister 'Transparency-in-Government;' Mister 'Truth-in-Government;' an honest man, he ain't!!  I presume his predilection to lie came to "Clown Prince" owe-bama, The Lyin' Arschloch in early childhood.  I can't verify that.  I only go back as far as the start of "Clown Princeowe-bama, The Lyin' Arschloch's  "Campaign of Fluff" in which he promised anything the public wanted without any clue on how to fulfill them.  Of the 506 "Campaign of Fluff" promises, "Clown Prince" owe-bamaThe Lyin' Arschloch fulfilled just 122 of them for a dismal 24% completion ratio.  Now,"Clown Prince" owe-bamaThe Lyin' Arschloch is ramping up his list of lies for the 2012 "Tour d'Lies;" his campaign for self-unemployment.
    Most recently--during his Twit Town Hall--"Clown Prince" owe-bama, The Lyin' Arschloch severely bent the truth with his statement that White House staffers haven't had raises in the past two years, since he was selected-to-be-elected.  A blatant lie!!  75% of staffers received raises in 2009-2010; at a time when corporations and other private sector employers chose to forgo raises.  In 2010-2011--embarrassingly enough--"Clown Prince" owe-bama The Lyin' Arschloch insured that many--if not most--in the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama Regime got raises!  These raises of the top twenty--in dollar amount--ranged from $42,000-$78,000 for an 86% increase (Kevin Lewis, Dir of african-American Media); to $147,500-172,200 for a 17% increase (Denis McDonough, Ass't to the Ruler and Dep National Security Advisor, who--incidently--is the highest paid among the top twenty in pay raises!)
    Can we stand another four-year term--let alone, the remainder of this term--with a guy who wouldn't know the truth if it hit him over the head?!?
SIDEBAR:  If "Clown Prince" owe-bama, The Lyin' Arschloch is truly the 'post-racial president,' why does he even need a Director of African-American Media?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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