Thursday, July 7, 2011

This'n'That; July Seventh #2; The 'Twit' Tweets!

The "Clown Prince"-Twit, Tweets!
    Much like the blather opportunities atwhich "Clown Prince" owe-bama fields questions; those questions are filtered, then filtered again, then the questioner is vetted. Not a 'KoolAid Drinker?' Not a union-thug? Not an owe-bamacRAT? Not a socio-fascist? Ya ain't gettin' past the screeners!!

    As is the norm with all the regime's fascists, owe-bama tossed off the only serious republicRAT question his managers would allow through during the 'Twitter Town Hall.' House Speaker John Boehner queried:
"After embarking on a record spending binge that's left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs?" #AskObama
The Soros/Jarrett-approved reply:
"John obviously needs to work on his typing skills..." [even though the question was typo- free. owe-bama then characterized the question as 'slightly skewed.'] The "Clown Prince" then--more-or-less--agreed: "We have not seen fast enough job growth relative to the need." [After owe-bama blathered 'all around Robin Hood's barn,' he finally concluded:] "We've been able to cooperate with republicRATs on a range of these issues. There's some areas where the republicRATs have been more resistant in cooperating, even though I think most objective observers think it's the right thing to do."
Mister Boehner's response through spokesperson Brendan Buck:
" 'Where are the jobs?' isn't a 'skewed question' to the millions of Americans who lost jobs since President Obama's 'stimulus' spending binge began. The President recently admitted that it failed to live up to the 'shovel-ready' promises, yet he's still proposing even more Washington spending. That's simply not the answer."
As has been related by the biased SJo Regime's media hacks, I score the "Clown Prince's" twit experience a complete loss! The American voters were afforded the opportunity to view socio-fascism in real-time!!
Til Nex'Time....



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