Thursday, July 7, 2011

This'n'That; July Seventh #1; Smarmy SJo!

Spending Cap "Showdown!"
    Folks, I gotta tell ya.... "Clown Prince" owe-bama has gone so far off the left side of that road he's kicking the economic and deficit cans down, that I'm forced to resort to street-level derogatory terms as descriptions.  Any intelligent being has to admit that the "Clown Prince" either has a destructive streak of his own, or he's guided by the streaks of either George Soros or Valarie Jarrett, or both.  Every proposal; every executive order has the ultimate effect of on-going economic and constitutional destruction of the entire country.  How can someone--other than those bent on intentional destruction--be so stupid as to think the American voters don't see through his lies and half-truths they hear each time he speaks?!?
    Speaker Boehner and company would be wise to remember the 2010 elections that put he and them in power.  That power should must be used as the voter 'suggested....' smaller government; less spending; reduced debt!!  This will be the republicRATs' first, last and best opportunity to stand firm against socialism.  If they choose to 'roll-over-and-play-dead' on the debt ceiling vs spending cuts negotiations, they'll be forced to recapitulate at every future turn, no matter the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama Regime's agenda item.
Til Nex'Time....



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