Monday, July 11, 2011

This'n'That; July Eleventh #1; I Don't Understand..?!?

What Happened to '$4 Trillion?!?'
    The primary 'negotiating number' recently was $4 Trillion in cuts to federal spending; what-ta-hell happened to that?!?  This goal was put forth when "plug" biden was commanding the debt ceiling negotiations in his own inimitable way; with his self-determined authority.  Did House Speaker John Boehner just write  the number off as unattainable?  Is this 'dropping' action a precursor to the republicRAT negotiators "rolling-over-and-playing-dead?!?"  The original $4 trillion was based on a 10 year timeline so as to not truly effect owe-bamacRATs' future electability.  When the cuts arrive, the few original owe-bamacRATs will demogogue them to be the republicRATs' fault!!
    The new number is $2 Trillion.  This does little more than "kick-the-can-down-the-road" to just beyond the next congressional (and presidential) elections.  I wonder why that is?!?  Maybe.... just to take the owe-bamacRATs' massive deficit spending and the required future debt ceiling raises out of the campaign and "Tour d'Lies" rhetoric.
    We've been put into "bated-breath" mode, waiting for a "Clown Prince" owe-bama blather opportunity today (Monday) at 11AM, eastern.  We can rest assured:  the delay in an agreement will be either Speaker Boehner's or the rebublicRATs'--or both's-- fault!  Speaker Boehner would be wise to consider--at each point of negotiative failure, to increase his reduction demands by a half-trillion or so, dollars!!  It'd only take a few failures for the owe-bamacRATs to realize: it's costin'em even more money to hold out for massive tax increases they're hoping to demogogue into a republicRAT fault!!
    Both the "Clown Prince" and the negotiating owe-bamacRATs are demanding that tax increases be in the debt negotiating 'mix.'  This demand will be of the "Charlie-Brown-and-the-football" variety!!  Both "Ronaldus-Magnus" and George H.W. Bush-41 each took the opposition at it's word and agreed to increased spending/raising the debt ceiling with a promise of future tax cuts.  Did said tax cuts materialize?!?  Not NO, but HAIL-NO!! That failure eventually cost Bush-41 a second term.
    Any republicRAT capitulation in these negotiations will have negative results for the American taxpayer:
The surrender will essentially break the back of the Tea Party movement;
the surrender will continue the Soros/Jarrett path toward America's complete destruction;
the surrender will put the American taxpayer in the untenable position of being "taxed-out-of-existance!!"
Now is the time for Speaker Boehner to hand "Clown Prince" owe-bama his "ass-on-a-silver-platter" by speaking factually and candidly; by pulling out of the negotiations with the explanation that mathematically, there's little cause for alarm on U.S. default;  the monthly 'income' to the Treasury will satisfy interest payments to debtors and the Treasury--at owe-bama's behest--can prioritize the remaining funds for necessary expenditures.
Again, We shall see what we shall see!
Til Nex'Time....



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