Sunday, July 10, 2011

This'n'That; July Tenth #1; Boehner vs owe-bama!

Is Speaker Boehner Strong Enough?!?
    "Clown Prince" owe-bama is displaying his resolve with respect to the debt limit kerfuffle.  "Clownie" postponed his latest 'pick-pocket' vacation, this time to Whitefish, Montana.  He will forego 'strong-arming' the--at least--eleven billionaires who live in that tourist/retirement town.  Not only that--and possibly more importantly--the "Clown Prince" has not hacked out a seventy-sixth golf game, YET; clearly indicating the importance of continuing along the Soros/Jarrett path of American economic and constitutional destruction!!
    How can John Boehner--as Speaker of the House; arguably the most powerful, the most important republicRAT in the Congress--possibly match that determination?!?  Speaker Boehner's primary concern--after beneficial actions in favor of the American taxpayer--might possibly be: keeping his job!!  The Tea Partiers and the members of Glenn Beck's "9-12 Project(as I am)" are fed up with the ruling class in the District of Corruption!!  I--and probably millions of others--feel that the entire class of miscreants in the District need only one more mis-step to be forced onto the unemployment rosters of their individual states.  It will only take that final mis-step for folks to actively mount campaigns for their ouster, no matter the political affiliation.
    As "Clown Prince" owe-bama continues his decline from a position of "ruling-from-the-rear" to "ruling-from-some-far-off-vacation-spot" to "ruling-from-the-golf-course," we shall watch with appreciation as--and if--Speaker Boehner continues to lead with a forthright, honest, publically beneficial position and remains steadfast during these on-going debt negotiations.
We shall see what we shall see!
Til Nex'Time....



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