Friday, July 15, 2011

This'n'That; July Fifteenth #3; owe-bama's Roots

Returning To owe-bama's Roots!
    Remember--in late May, 2011--when "Clown Prince" owe-bama returned to a miniscule portion of his roots; to Moneygall, Ireland?  Moody's Investor Service announced on July 13th that they were downgrading Ireland's credit rating one-notch, from 'Baa3' to 'Ba1.'  'Ba1' being Moody's rating for 'junk bonds!'
    Apparently, the "Clown Prince" is so inthralled with all things-Irish, he's attempting to bring the U.S.' credit rating to Irish standards-that of junk status!  With his unwillingness to forego extreme tax increases--primarily on the pseudo-rich--might just cause Moody's to do for the United States what they've done for Ireland.
Til Nex'Time....



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