What owe-bama Ment To Say In Press Conference
"Clown Prince" owe-bama
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room,
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
10:58 A.M.
The "Clown Prince": Hello, everybody. As you know, yesterday we had another meeting with the congressional leaders. We’re not having one today, so I thought it would be useful to give you guys an update on where we are. All the congressional leaders have reiterated the desire to make sure that the United States does not default on our obligations, and that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved. That is a good thing. I think we should not even be this close to a deadline on this issue; this should have been taken care of earlier. But it is encouraging that everybody believes that this is something that has to be addressed. And for the general public -- I’ve said this before but I just want to reiterate -- this is not some abstract issue. These are obligations that the United States has taken on in the past. Congress has run up the credit card, and we now have an obligation to pay our bills. If we do not, it could have a whole set of adverse consequences. We could end up with a situation, for example, where interest rates rise for everybody all throughout the country, effectively a tax increase on everybody, because suddenly whether you’re using your credit or you’re trying to get a loan for a car or a student loan, businesses that are trying to make payroll, all of them could end up being impacted as a consequence of a default.
[What I'm not telling you: My handlers in the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama Regime have written these remarks and programmed them into the teleprompter. Nothing new, there!! I know it's difficult to see the line between what I actually believe and what George and Valarie believe I should repeat. So, if you're a mindless owe-bamacRAT or a 'KoolAid drinker,' you can take everything you hear as what I think; if you're a free-thinking member of the 'Tea Party' movement; a right-minded conservative thinker, rest assured: Very little I say has any basis with my own actual beliefs! That being said, let's get on with this blather opportunity; a golf course somewhere, awaits!!
The 'full faith and credit' of the United States is still safe, there's no probability that a default will occur. The Treasury takes in tax receipts and other credits on a daily basis; monthly to the tune of $172.4 Billion. The Fiscal year-end estimate of the federal interest expense is $385,871,949,498.62. On a monthly basis, that number equates to $32,155,000,000.00 ($32.1 billion). This is but an approximation; only "TurboTax-Cheat Tim" Geithner's calculator goes out 15++ places!! The Social Security monthly checks equal approximately $30 Billion; active duty military monthly pay expense: $12.85 Billion; veteran's retirement monthly expense: $4.6 Billion; need I go on?!? There's more-than-enough money to meet the most immediate outlays; all my crap about the "checks not going out" without a debt-ceiling hike, is pure blather, a bald-faced lie!!! The remaining expenses require me to prioritize the debt as to importance, which I am loathe to do; it requires me to actually make a decision and honor that decision!!
What the public must remember--what the SJo Regime does not want you to remember--that while the federal 'credit card' was being run up--from January, 2006 until January, 2011--both houses of the Congress were controlled by owe-bamacRATs and their forerunners, the democRATs; that over 43% of the current public debt was amassed just since the SJo Regime's immaculation!! The interest rise, equating to a tax increase" that I blathered about?!? That's already happened!! Just look at the housing value deflations; just look at the hidden inflation; just look at the rising unemployment rates. If the republicRATs authorize any increase in the debt ceiling, that rising interest/tax increase effect will continue; I--as well as George Soros and Valarie Jarret--cannot control ourselves where there's an open checkbook!!]
Now, what is important is that even as we raise the debt ceiling, we also solve the problem of underlying debt and deficits. I’m glad that congressional leaders don’t want to default, but I think the American people expect more than that. They expect that we actually try to solve this problem, we get our fiscal house in order. And so during the course of these discussions with congressional leaders, what I’ve tried to emphasize is we have a unique opportunity to do something big. We have a chance to stabilize America’s finances for a decade, for 15 years, or 20 years, if we’re wiling to seize the moment. Now, what that would require would be some shared sacrifice and a balanced approach that says we’re going to make significant cuts in domestic spending. And I have already said I am willing to take down domestic spending to the lowest percentage of our overall economy since Dwight Eisenhower. It also requires cuts in defense spending, and I’ve said that in addition to the $400 billion that we’ve already cut from defense spending, we’re willing to look for hundreds of billions more. It would require us taking on health care spending. And that includes looking at Medicare and finding ways that we can stabilize the system so that it is available not just for this generation but for future generations. And it would require revenues. It would require, even as we’re asking the person who needs a student loan or the senior citizen or people -- veterans who are trying to get by on a disability check -- even as we’re trying to make sure that all those programs are affordable, we’re also saying to folks like myself that can afford it that we are able and willing to do a little bit more; that millionaires and billionaires can afford to do a little bit more; that we can close corporate loopholes so that oil companies aren’t getting unnecessary tax breaks or that corporate jet owners aren’t getting unnecessary tax breaks. If we take that approach, then I am confident that we can not only impress the financial markets, but more importantly, we can actually impress the American people that this town can actually get something done once in a while.
[What I'm not telling you: My words: "....if we're willing to seize the moment." Now that's a laugh!! To the SJo Regime, 'seizing the moment' equates to seizing the checkbook and/or the credit card!! Said regime has been 'seizing the moment' since January 20, 2009. Again, amounting to the SJo Regime's 43% share-increase in the public debt! Were I to even faintly consider the plight of the American people, I'd realize this 'shared sacrifice' has already been suffered by the populus-Americanus. Don't believe me?!? Check out housing prices, housing starts, new commercial construction starts, massive job-loss numbers, high--and rising--unemployment numbers, need I say more?!? With the true unemployment rate in the 16-18% range, must the public share any more sacrifice?!? I think not; Soros and Jarrett think so!! They're the primary advocates of massive cuts in defense spending as well; their objective of the U.S.' "third-world rathole" status will be achieved much more quickly, much easier with a mediocre defense posture!
The SJo proposals of doing away with various tax breaks, ie, loopholes, are sure to cause the public more consternation, more expense they can ill afford. What business entity on the planet absorbs an added expense, a tax increase?!? NONE, that I know of!! Any loophole closed, will transfer that tax expense to the public in the form of increased retail prices for the company's goods or services. BUT, we punished those evil oil companies; punished those evil corporate jet owners, didn 't we?!? What we actually would accomplish with this approach is take the public's mind off the tiny minority that has the vast majority of influence within the SJo Regime: those truly evil labor and service union thugs!! They buy ungodly levels of influence with the legal and illegal contributions to the Regime's and owe-bamacRATic election coffers! Does the NLRB vs Boeing travisty ring a bell?!?]
Now, let me acknowledge what everybody understands: It is hard to do a big package. My Republican friends have said that they’re not willing to do revenues and they have repeated that on several occasions. My hope, though, is that they’re listening not just to lobbyists or special interests here in Washington, but they’re also listening to the American people. Because it turns out poll after poll, many done by your organizations, show that it’s not just Democrats who think we need to take a balanced approach; it’s Republicans as well. The clear majority of Republican voters think that any deficit reduction package should have a balanced approach and should include some revenues. That’s not just Democrats; that’s the majority of Republicans. You’ve got a whole slew of Republican officials from previous administrations. You’ve got a bipartisan commission that has said that we need revenues. So this is not just a Democratic understanding; this is an understanding that I think the American people hold that we should not be asking sacrifices from middle-class folks who are working hard every day, from the most vulnerable in our society -- we should not be asking them to make sacrifices if we’re not asking the most fortunate in our society to make some sacrifices as well.
[What I'm not telling you: The SJo Regime--of which I'm a miniscule part--has no inclination of reducing the national debt nor curbing deficit spending!! If they had, would I have been ordered t submit my $3.73 Trillion budget proposal back in February?!? Remember, my proposal garnered not one vote--republicRAT or owe-bamacRAT--in the United States Senate, zero, zip, nadda; the vote was 98-zip! The regime seems to have bought off the owe-bamacRATs in the Senate and House; there's not been a federal budget in well-over 800 days!! How constitutional is that?!?
Revenues is nothing more than owe-bamaSpeak for taxes; tax increases! Generally speaking, tax increases are the last thing that should be considered during these depths of the owe-bama Depression!! As the author of this blog--Justin Case--has put forth, it's imperative that everyone have 'skin in the game!!' To that end, I'm proposing to Georgie and Val that we--not just consider, but propose--instituting a program of "No Representation Without Taxation!!" See, far too many times--not just with my recent 'Campaign of Fluff'--those who live on the government tit have a greater impact in electing a socio-fascist ruler for America than they should, given their 'investment.' They'd vote for Mickey Mouse if he promised to continue/increase their government-graft payments!! As Justin proposed, there should be a tax--at least 3%--on every federal expenditure to individuals, those legal or illegal; social security benefits, or disability payments, or federal retirement--be they legislators, career federal workers, military retirees, railroad pension recipients--or welfare payments through the states', or any other disbursement!! Without this 'skin in the game,' these individuals might feel neglected; might feel discriminated against!!!
This program of "No Representation Without Taxation" would have a far greater--and more positive--psychological impact than the negative financial impact of taxing those evil rich out of existence!! The ever-growing roster of individuals drawing subsistance from the federal tit--54% of the population on the 'tit;' 46% of the population paying taxes--all this 'tittage' has done little more than destroy the majority of Americans' will to succeed; desire to achieve 'The American Dream!!' The "No Representation Without Taxation" program should restore these two attributes, if nothing else!! As Rush Limbaugh has said repeatedly: the government can only tax those evil rich out of existence-ONCE!! What will the government abuse when that source runs out?!?]
So I am still pushing for us to achieve a big deal. But what I also said to the group is if we can’t do the biggest deal possible, then let’s still be ambitious; let’s still try to at least get a down payment on deficit reduction. And that we can actually accomplish without huge changes in revenue or significant changes in entitlements, but we could still send a signal that we are serious about this problem. The fallback position, the third option and I think the least attractive option, is one in which we raise the debt ceiling but we don’t make any progress on deficit and debt. Because if we take that approach, this issue is going to continue to plague us for months and years to come. And I think it’s important for the American people that everybody in this town set politics aside, that everybody in this town set our individual interests aside, and we try to do some tough stuff. And I’ve already taken some heat from my party for being willing to compromise. My expectation and hope is, is that everybody, in the coming days, is going to be willing to compromise. The last point I’ll make and then I’ll take questions -- we are obviously running out of time. And so what I’ve said to the members of Congress is that you need, over the next 24 to 36 hours, to give me some sense of what your plan is to get the debt ceiling raised through whatever mechanisms they can think about, and show me a plan in terms of what you’re doing for deficit and debt reduction. If they show me a serious plan, I’m ready to move, even if requires some tough decisions on my part. And I’m hopeful that over the next couple of days we’ll see logjam break -- this logjam broken, because the American people I think understandably want to see Washington do its job.
[What I'm not telling you: Although I make all the appropriate noises, I'm proposing nothing more than "kicking the can down the road" albeit, at a slower pace!! The nation needs to curtail those other evils: George Soros, Valarie Jarrett and their spendthrift ways! Raising the debt ceiling at all--with or without commensurate spending cuts--just nets them--and me--more money to piss away on favorite socialist, communist pet projects!! The repbublicRATs must insist on immediate spending cuts, not with a scapel but with a CHAINSAW!!]
Saturday, July 16, 2011
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