If you are an attendee--or a graduate--of any of America's public schools, you probably haven't been taught this, but the breaking-of-the-camel's-back for the colonists was Great Britain's ubiquitous, usurious taxes on the colonies. Both the colonies as political units and the colonists themselves, were being taxed in lots of various areas with no representation in the English Parliment. Their battle cry became "Taxation Without Representation."
In the twenty-first century, the time has come to remedy another American inequity. 46% of Americans pay income taxes; 54% of American pay no taxes-and have exponentially better benefits for not paying said income taxes. This anomaly didn't happen overnight!! The change came in several steps:
- Originally, anyone receiving any sort of government benefit had to report to a government building--like city hall, like the county office building--at each pay period to receive his/her cash benefits.
- Next, the recipient could go to a local bank on the appropriate day and--with proper identification--receive their cash benefits.
- Next, the benefits were in the form of checks mailed to their official mail address.
- Next--and currently--the recipient has but to report to almost any retail establishment with a card-swipe device to have their benefits added to their very own--government provided--debit card!
The beneficiaries of 'the government tit' are obligated by their self-interests to vote for anyone--no matter the overall political philosophy--who will continue and increase their government 'freebies.' If these miscreants aren't willing to be contributing members of this society, they should have no say in how said society is governed!!
Til Nex'Time....
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