Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This'n'That; July Thirteenth #3; 'The Dick' Not Alone!

owe-bama NOT The only 'Dick!'
    When Mark Halperin--formerly a 'talking head' on MSNBC--referred to "Clown Prince" owe-bama as being 'a dick' during one of the ruler's blather opportunities; little did we know he'd opened a whole new 'can of worms!'  It seems that 'dicks' are found beyond the current regime, far into the career federal worker ranks.
    Remember Christian Lopez?!?  He's the guy that returned the '3,000th-hit ball' to Derek Jeter when he could have--potentially--'ebayed it' for up to $250,000!!  Mr Lopez returned the ball with the condition that he be able to meet Mr Jeter and have a 10 minute conversation.  The Yankee organization lavished Mr Lopez with all kinds of free crap; luxury box tickets to remaining Yankee home games, 'Jeter signed' baseballs, bats and jerseys, etc.
    Now, the regime's IRS hierarchy is saying that Mr Lopez owes up to $13,000 in taxes on the value of the free crap!!  Who's the bigger dick:  "Clown Prince" owe-bama or the IRS agents?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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