Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This'n'That; July Sixth #1; More Wrong?!?

'Fascist-Six' Hell Bent On Destroying America!!
    With "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer as leader, the 'Fascist-Six' remaining members are 'pinky' reid, 'Turbin' Dick Durbin, Patty Murray, Debbie Stabinow and Mark Begich.  Communist-leaning fascists, all.  "Chuckie-Cheese"--one of the major crooks here--considers his constituents to be the rich Wall Streeters as well as the rich of the Jewish faith within the five boroughs of New York City.  He routinely ignores upstate as well as all of western New York State!
    The 'Fascist-Six' are now advocating a second stimulus; the first--the original PORKulus bill--worked so well.... Yea, right!!  The SJo Regime humorously claims that the PORKulus bill created or saved less than 2.4 million jobs (how does one even calculate a "saved" job?!?). The majority of these created jobs were federal civil service jobs.  When one leaves out the owe-bama payments to his union-thug buddies; payments to his supporters; payments to his legal and illegal contributors,  each job created or "saved(?)" cost $278,000 per job!!  That's a total of $666 billion!! "Clown Prince" owe-bama could have easily saved 66.6% (or $444 billion!!) by sending a check for $92,500 to each job recipient-to stay home!!
    The 'fuzzy math' used to calculate the number of created jobs:
  • If a normal full-time schedule is 40 hours a week, multiply 40 hours x 52 weeks = 2,080 Total Hours per year
  • * Divide 2,080 Total Hours by 4 to equal 520 regular quarterly hours.
  • * If two full-time employees each worked 520 hours (1,040 hours) for the quarter and another half-time employee worked 260 hours, the Total Hours for the three employees is 1300 (520 + 520 + 260 = 1300).
  • * Divide 1300 by 520 to equal 2.5 Recovery funded jobs during that quarter.
The 'Fascist-Six' want to use a second PORKulus to further create vastly expensive jobs, some being of the not-so-shovel-ready variety!!  The time has long-since come for the ruling class to be reigned in, hopefully by voter-inspired unemployment!
Til Nex'Time....



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