Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This'n'That; July Fifth #2; 'plug' Out?!?

'plug' biden To Be Tossed Overboard?!?
    A couple of guys--from opposite sides of the political fence--are now touting NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to become "Clown Prince" owe-bama's literal "partner-in-crime!!"  The guys: Willie Brown--a former mayor of San Francisco--and William Powers--a former GOP 'kingmaker'--are both suggesting that 'plug' biden will be tossed in favor of 'young' Cuomo.
    Actually I think Governor Cuomo is far smarter than to even accept a phone call from the "Clown Prince."  Mister Cuomo is on the fast track to become president in his own right--he certainly doesn't need owe-bama or Jarrett or Soros to achieve that objective!!  The governor shouldn't want his image or reputation tarnished by association--associating with those known as the SJo regime.
Til Nex'Time....



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