Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This'n'That; July Fifth #1; Lonsberry

The Army!
    Bob Lonsberry's column (http://www.lonsberry.com/: "On The United States Army") of June Thirtieth dealt with his daughter Aubrey's induction into the US Army and his feelings, being the recruiting station at the time.  As is the norm, a well written article from the mind and the force behind http://www.fubowear.com/!!
    For the uninitiated, Aubrey was a co-producer of her dad's daily radio program ("The Big Show," WHAM; 1180AM; http://www.wham1180.com/; 11AM-2PM, eastern) until last Friday at two, when she and her dad signed off; Aubrey for the last time!!
As former military, I wish her God Speed and best wishes for an honorable military career of any number of years!!
Til Nex'Time....



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