Thursday, July 21, 2011

This'n'That; July Twenty-First #3; Emails to 'Geeze-Louise' and "Chuckie-Cheese"

A Pair Of Congressional Miscreants!
    Normally, I don't contact either "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer or Dorothy 'Geeze-Louise' McIntosh Rodam Slaughter; they don't represent me!!  I live in DGLMRS's district (NY-26) and have had no representation in either the Senate or the House since my mistaken arrival as a permanent resident of Rochester, NY!  It's times like these--times that "the Dick's" lies become so far-fetched as to be unbelieveable--that I'm forced to contact these two miscreants!!  The same email--in DGLMRS's case, without the 'PS'--was sent to both:
Til Nex'Time....
In 2006, you voted NOT to raise the debt ceiling.
Why is 2011 any different?!?
I'm expecting you to set aside your socio-fascist views and vote in favor of public desires--which are not reflected in the SOROS/JARRETT demanded polls.
A recent RasmussenReports poll indicates 26% of owe-bamacRATs were against raising the debt ceiling! Just  26%!!  The same poll informed us that just 33% of your party were in favor of MORE GOVERNMENT WASTE! ONLY 33%!!
I--with many, many of my 'Constitutionalist' compatriots--expect you to 'vote-for-good' without regard for your power or wealth retention!
Justin Case
P.S. (only to CCS)  You might want to consider changing your moniker to "C. Ellis Schumer."  'Chuck;' 'Chuckie;'  'Chuckie-Cheese;'  don't resonate well out here in THE REAL WORLD!



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