Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This'n'That; July Twenty-Seventh #1; My Perspective....?

What Does All This Crap Actually Mean?!?
    Make no mistake!!  I too, think "Clown Prince" owe-bama is the most inept, incompetent boob to ever occupy the Oval Office!  In my mind, the "Clown Prince" far surpassed that incompetent Georgia peanut farmer--Jimmuh Cahtah (Carter)!  Unlike Cahtah, owe-bama must have a hidden agenda; an ulterior motive:  What other reasons might there be for the intentional destruction of the United States that we all know and love?
    These debt-ceiling negotiations are not only blaffling; they're counter-productive. 
Why is the "Clown Prince" expected to put forth a proposal?
    The presidency is expected to be an executive position and as such is the final authority on the passage of legislation.  The president might put forth 'suggestions' as to what the Congress should consider in their various areas of responsibility.  At-the-end-of-the-day, the president will either sign or veto the legislation presented to him.  This ruler--in a position formerly known as the presidency--seems under the impression that he's the equal of Great Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, or Sweden's King Carl XVI GustafHe is not!!  Nor does he understand his responsibilities or the formality of the U.S. presidency:  There's far more to the position than sitting around the office with his feet up on the Resolute Desk; far more than spending most weekends on one of the many golf courses in the District of Corruption; far more than feeling entitled to a monthly vacation in the face of American involvement in world-wide armed conflicts and domestic fiscal kerfuffles;  far more than feeling entitled to abuse the privilege of world-wide travel that Air Farce One and other Air Force assets, afford.  If the national pamphleteers were doing their collective jobs, the "Clown Prince" would be routinely reminded that he is not king, nor is Michele "eat'cher peas" owe-bama, a queen!

Why is Speaker Boehner responding to owe-bama's childish demands?"

    Clown Prince" owe-bama has a huge chip-on-his-shoulder and is probably the most narcissistic elected chief executive in American history.  As such he demands to be accorded the respect he thinks is his due.  To satisify this personal desire; demand, Speaker Boehner probably feels obligated to "bend to the blowing winds" from the direction of 'barackingham Palace'-NOT SO!!  At the outset of each 'numbered Congress' the majority party--as headed by the Speaker of the House--determines the rules for said Congress.  In the 112th Congress (the current one), one of the responsibilities determined is to inform the public of pending legislation and I quote from the published rules: " bill [which has not been reported by a committee] will be voted upon without being available online for at least three calendar days."   I personally, have never found an on-line bill emanating from the 112th Congress!  Looks like the House side of the 112th Congress has--many times--violated one of their self-imposed rules, right-out-of-the-box!!
    With the current debt-ceiling kerfuffle, Speaker Boehner--in bending-to-the-blowing-winds--will consistantly be 'negotiating with himself' as there's no other proposal on the table from owe-bamacRATics; no 'suggestions' from the regime.  The Speaker must use logic in the execution of his responsibilities:  formulate legislation agreed upon by the majority of House members, forward it to the Senate for their consideration--That's it!!  There's no reason to be at 'the-beck-and-call' of the ruler!!  The White House is not 'in-the-loop' until the very end--to sign or veto the Congressional legislation, as written.
 Why is Senator Mitch McConnell offering legislation as a solution to the 'crisis?' 
    Senator McConnell is the Minority Leader of the Senate and by definition, has very little effect on the formulation and voting procedures of legislation originating in the Senate.  Why--if constitutionally, all monetary legislation must originate in the House--did the senator even offer a proposal?  He could have quietly mentioned his several possibilities to Speaker Boehner for the Speaker's consideration. It makes no sense!

Why is the solution to every 'crisis' a reason to spend borrowed money? Why is everything legislative, held in abeyance until it's a 'crisis?'
    When anything is deemed 'a crisis;' or 'a tragedy;' or 'a desperate situation;' the common perception is that "the sky's falling," the United States will (enter the dastardly result of inaction, here) if this (whatever the kerfuffle) is allowed to continue!! With the aforementioned designation(s), the congress; the administration can continue on at their snail's pace; albeit in secret: Remember Nancy PORKlosi's statement about the pending owe-bamaKare legislation, "we have to pass this legislation to find out what's in it." Now--in the fascist's eyes--that was a genuine 'crisis' in healthKare and had to be dealt with quickly, quietly and with resolve! We now have seen the results of 'crisis' legislation whose details weren't revealed until well after owe-bamaKare passed into law--as a matter of fact--we're still finding out hidden taxes, death panels, et al!
    Almost since the dawn of the modern era of United States (from The Great Depression into owe-bamaGeddon), each administration--of either party--has depended on borrowed money to fund their pet projects as well as discretionary and non-discretionary spending. Deficit-spending was the mainstay of the 'New Deal,' continuing through the current regime: 1930-$16Billion; 1933-$20Billion; 1936-$33.7Billion (44% of GDP!); 1950-$260Billion; 1980-$808Billion; 2000-$3.7Trillion; 2008-$10.7Trillion; June, 2011-$14.46Trillion (98.6% of GDP!)!

Just for those statistics junkies: on 9/30/1981 the public debt stood at $997.9Billion; by 9/30/1982, the public debt had crashed the 'trillion dollar' threshold at $1.142Trillion.

     I find it nearly impossible to weed the bullshit from the facts in the daily broadcast and print "bluster'n'blather" presentations!!  Very little of the current verbiage is applicable to the topic under discussion,e.g., the current debt-ceiling 'discussions.'  His narcissism unchecked, "Clown Prince" owe-bama will not be denied.... ANYTHING!!  To that end, the 'DICK' continues with his blatant, outrageous lies to incite social divides through class warfare.  So far, we're to understand  the 'seasoned' citizens may not get their social security checks; those of ultimate bravery serving in the nation's military forces may not be paid for volunteering to be "in harm's way;"  the disabled and medically dependant veterans may not recieve their checks and/or benefits; et cetera.  "Clownie" is relying on the "Slick-Willie" Clinton postulation:  'A lie told often enough, becomes believable.'    "Clown Prince" owe-bama isn't the only fascist to take extensive "liberties with the truth:"  'pinky' reid--the Senate Majority Leader--continues to use verbal 'slight-of-hand' in the current 'crisis.'  The "pinky-plan" raises the debt ceiling an unthinkable $2.7Trillion, while offering 'pretend' spending cuts of approximately $1.14Trillion.  The "pinkster's" spending 'cuts' include assumptions that in the next TEN YEARS, the wars in Iraq, Afganistan and Libya will come to a screeching halt; assumes there will be $100billion in 'savings' in mandatory programs; assumes there will be $30billion in 'savings' in "Freddie'n'Fannie" changes; assumes there will be $10+billion in 'savings' in agriculture programs, again OVER TEN YEARS!
    Those " ten years... or ....over ten years...." phrases?  They're completely bogus!!  They're completely unenforceable!!  No numbered Congress--in this case, the 112th Congress--can force a financial encumberance upon any future congress!  What 'pinky,' McConnellBoehner and owe-bama are telling you:  "We'll write this financial legislation; this debt-ceiling increase; these spending cuts and we'll program them to occur over the span of the next ten years." 
Pure bullshit; can't be done!!  No future numbered Congress is obligated to follow the wishes; the instructions, of the 112th Congress.  That future congress has but to amend the 112th's spending cuts to zero; has but to pass legislation that enhances their own fiscal wishes, no matter how it affects those wishes of the 112th Congress!!
    The "debt ceiling" was first set in 1917 at $11.5billion, through $7.5billion in U.S. bonds and $4billion in 'certificates of indebtedness.'  In the 94 years since, the debt ceiling has been raised 102 times.  In the past 94 years the congress has never refused a presidential request to raise the ceiling.  Therein lies the kerfuffle!! 
These raise requests were--most times--approved without discussion; no debate what-so-ever!!  If there's rarely any debate on the merits of raising the ceiling, why do we even have a debt ceiling?!?  It has just become an aritificial hurdle that must be jumped to keep spending money the government--the taxpayer--doesn't have.
    Once--if ever--the federal spending kerfuffle is under control and by under control I mean sustainable; able to be paid off in a reasonable period of time; it must never be continued as a dollar amount!!  I propose that the debt ceiling be defined as a percentage of nominal GDP.  Without a firm dollar amount, federal spending becomes a function of private sector success, e.g., say the debt ceiling is set at 15% for the span of the 120th Congress; GDP at the start of the term is $16Trillion, the debt ceiling would initially be ($16Tx15%) $2.4Trillion.  BUT.... the United States is experiencing a downturn in it's economy which will automatically adjust the debt ceiling downward, e.g., a drop in GDP from $16T to 14.5T would force a drop in the debt ceiling from $2.4T to $2.175T.  See how that would be far more beneficial to the taxpayer than the current system?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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