We can argue back and forth; all day long, about the 'FDR' Great Depression versus the current economic owe-bamageddon. There's two quotes that everyone defending our current inept, inexperienced and incompetent ruler and his regime, must read:
On history-
"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." ~~George Santayana.On the Great Depression-
"We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we ever have ever spent before and it doesn't work. We have just as much unemployment as when we started. And an enormous debt to boot." ~~Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau, 1939.
One must remember: Secretary Morganthau was a self-made millionaire--when a million was worth a million!! Secretary Geithner's claim to fame is attempting to defraud the IRS out of his owed income taxes!!
The reasonable argument might be that one--who contests for the US presidency--must/should have executive experience, 'real-world' business experience, accounting/finance experience, a rudimentary economics education to stand for primary selection; as opposed to a bachelor's degree in political science~emphasis on international relations; as opposed to a law school lecturer position; as opposed to a community agitator; as opposed to someone, anyone with just 143 days of federal legislative experience! We shall see what we shall see!!
Til Nex'Time....
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