Monday, August 8, 2011

This'n'That; August Eighth #1; Oh, NO!!

[As usual, blogspot has decided to 'tweek' the paragraphic sequence, check:]
Why Us?!?
    Now that the SJo Regime and owe-bama himself, have practically destroyed the entire world economy, "TurboTax-Tim" (or, as he prefers- "T-3" or "Triple-T") Geithner says he's gonna stay on as the Treasury Secretary:
Are we to presume this 'lot of work' is the continuing destruction of the world economy?!?
"I love my work. And I think if a president asks you to serve,  you have to do it," the bumbler told the nattering-nabobs of CNBC.  With unemployment  at 9.1%, the U-6 rate--the real unemployment rate--standing at nearly 18%, 'Triple-T' added "We still have a lot of work to do."

Til Nex'Time....



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