Monday, August 8, 2011

This'n'That; August Eighth #2; Union Thuggery

Connecticut Union 'Political' Thuggery
    What we knew all along, is finally coming to light:  The American educational system is too-o-o-o-o-o-o-o important to unionize!!  The largest teacher representation is Connecticut's chapter of the American Federation of Teachers.  The Connecticut Education Association is a distant second.  The Ct AFT 'accidently' released a powerpoint presentation which was picked up by--among others--The Wall Street Journal before it was hurriedly scrubbed from the internet.  Essentially, the presentation revealed the union's power:
  • It insulted influential state legislators and the AFT's rival, the CTA;
  • It insulted parents' groups; education reform groups whose views are considered 'toxic' by the AFT leadership.
  • It admits that the real power; the real action is behind closed doors where the lobbyists call the shots.
    The presentation--aired at a national AFT meeting--with the intention of illustrating how the union blocked a damaging piece of legislation that the union said 'was really about "handing charter school advocates" the chance to "create support for new charter schools."  The teachers' unions view charter schools as major threats; they're able to operate outside union control.
    To find out more-than-you-ever-wanted-to-know about the finances of the Connecticut teachers unions, see:
(This site will also provide information for every state, with proper navigation.)
Til Nex'Time....



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