Thursday, August 4, 2011

This'n'That; August Fourth #1; Neg/Pos

{As usual; out-of-sequence! A better 'read' at:}
Explaining The 'Tea Party'
    Recently, New York Times pamphleteer Maureen Dowd went off on a rant against the House republicRATic 'Tea Party' members, to wit:{*}
    It seems Ms Dowd is somewhat confused as to the definition of serving the public.  Serving the public means actually determining the wants, needs and desires of said public and serving those ends as closely as humanly possible. In my case, Rep Buerkle determined that her constituency did not want a debt-ceiling increase and voted thus.  Another Dowd 'claim' is that the congressional Tea Party freshmen are 'new and radical' conservatives.  Not so!!  The fact is they are neither; they're no more than actual conservatives!  So far, they've demonstrated that the 'go-along-to-get-along' philosophy is no longer the 'phrase of the day' amongst congressional "youngsters!!"  Ms Dowd--for far too long--has been exposed to the likes of Speaker John Boehner, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and candidate Willard 'Mitt' Romney, thinking they were actually conservatives!  No dam wonder she's not got any idea of conservatism!! Til Nex'Time....
{*}"The manical Tea Party freshmen are trying to burn down the house they were elected to serve in.  It turns out they wanted to come inside to get a blueprint of the historic building to sabotage it."



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