Friday, November 11, 2011

This'n'That; November Eleventh #2; Pipeline

"Clown Prince" Attempts Self-Preservation!
    "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"--minor poll upticks notwithstanding--remains a statistical "cellar-dweller," popularity-wise!!  In his usual failing methodology, the "Clown Prince" is attempting to placate two diametrically-opposed factions:  the labor unions and the 'tree-huggers!'
    We're talking about the Keystone-XL Pipeline (Phase I) which is to run from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska.  Phase II--which went into service in February, 2011--continues the pipeline from Steele City to Cushing, Oklahoma; then onto existing terminals in Nederland, Texas.
    With "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's" decision to delay the decision will placate said contributors, supporters and campaign workers-the ultimate goal in his 'decision to delay the decision!'   The official delay in the pipeline's approval puts 20,000-50,000 jobs--if not in jeopardy--at a 12-16 month delay. 
Just what the country needs, given the 9++% unemployment rate; given the reduced revenues to the federal treasury
The delay immediately placates the protesting 'tree-huggers' who protest practically everything possible!!  This is just another example of a dictatorial-regime masquerading as a representative-republic!!
Til Nex'Time....



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