Saturday, December 24, 2011

This'n'That; December Twenty-Fourth #1; Entitlements

Call It What It Is.... and FIX IT!!
    Family Assistance; Aid to Families with Dependent Children; food stamps; SSI; cash compensation for low-income workers; free healthcare; utility bill assistance, just a few of the aliases welfare goes by. The word 'welfare' is the only one that applies to this multitude of benefits of the 'sweat of others!'
    Welfare--as we know it--has it's beginnings with The Franklin Roosevelt administration in the early 1930s.  Prior to that, most assistance was handled at the county level, and normally any cash benefits were repaid when possible.  President Lyndon Johnson continued--nay, greatly expanded--the various programs inplace at the time.  The 'Johnson' programs were expanded by republicRATics as well, namely Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
    After some political "slight-of-hand" both then-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and ex-President "Slick-Willie" Clinton deemed the welfare system 'reformed.'  That reformation largely transferred recipients from the 'welfare system' as we know it, into SSI (Supplemental Security Income).  A major point in the reformation was The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA).  Along the way, PRWORA instituted TANF (largely Aid to Knocked Up Young Teens-Sperm Donor, Unknown) which replaced the 1935-era AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children).
    Social Security old-age benefits have long been termed 'entitlements;' THEY ARE NOT!!  Welfare is entirely funded by the largess of the taxpayer via the confiscatory tax code of the federal government.  Social Security and it's offspring, Medicare--in federal mythology--is funded by individual workers paying into the non-existent federal Social Security "lockbox."  These funds were originally to be invested for the benefit of the eventual recipients; not so much any more!  By law, any funds not paid out in benefits are to be loaned to the federal government's 'General Fund.'  The federal government is then required to re-pay the funds and interest to the Social Security Trust Fund.  As is the norm with the 'Ruling Class,' not only do they not repay the Social Security debt, they don't even bother to produce a CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED annual federal budget!!  As of December, 2009: The Social Security Trust Fund is owed $2,900,000,000,000.00 (2.9TRILLION BUCKS!!).
    There comes a point--and some think we're there now--when the 46% "pushing-the-wagon (workers)" can no longer afford to support the 54% "riding-in-the-wagon (freeloaders)!!  Members of the Ruling Class continue to heap debt-upon-debt on the America's Serf Class for their personal and professional aggrandizement!  That there's no reasonable way for future generations of the Serf Class to ever repay the vast debt amounts, matters not one whit to said Ruling Class!!  So long as they can continue to live the luxurious lifestyle denied their constituents; so long as they can continue to be re-elected are the only driving forces behind their greed and power accumulation!!
    The incessant borrowing at the federal level--if allowed to continue--will be the death knell for America's economy!!  The excessive borrowing is to create a utopian society for those who won't work, by those who buy their votes!  This continuing "free lunch" for the majority of working-age Americans does little beyond creating an 'entitled sub-class' whose perceived entitlement frees them from any exertions-for-pay.  America now has an entire sub-set within the Serf Class that can vote for it's own 'pay' increases--much like those of the Ruling Class!!  Thus far, it's continuing destruction of economic activity has had several consequences:
Mob Robberies-gangs of youths arbitrairily beat and rob or mug, individuals who appear to have no methods or means of defense.
Flash Mobs-gangs of youths and young adults almost instaneously--without perceived provocation--rise up and destroy anything and everything in their path; people, cars, buildings, public utilities-all is 'fair game!'
Personal Safety-most places that once were meccas of safety are no longer; cars, homes, barns, sheds, et al, in suburban or rural settings are now locked against those who would siphon gas, steal farm animals for food or sale; steal personal possessions, equipment for sale.
    We haven't YET come close to complete-and-total economic collapse!!  What we see today--the activities of everyone from the Ruling Class to the Flash Mobs--will seem like the 'Roaring Twenties' boom-times!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist?!?
'Splain to me why WE continue to re-elect the incumbants?!?
Til Nex'Time....



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