Thursday, February 2, 2012

This'n'That; February Second #1: aught-OH!!

"Clown Prince" versus The POPE?!?
    Even the dupe that is "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" can't be so stupid as to 'attack' one of the most cohesive voting blocks in the country!!  The general owe-bamacRATic voter base as well as the particular "Clown Prince" voter base is dwindling quickly.  Neither George Soros or the owe-bamacRATic campaign whiz-kids can afford to alienate any more voter blocks, no matter how much they have to lie to keep said block in line!!
    "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" has been on a 'warfare' bent for some time now, honing in on class-, economic- and race-warfare.  Apparently, he's decided to add religious-warfare to the mix. 
He done "pissed-off-the-POPE!!"
On January 20, 2012 the HHS Department issued a final ruling that "women with health insurance coverage will have access to the full range of the Institute of Medicine's recommended preventive services including all FDA-approved forms of contraception."  This means--among others--the Catholic Church must provide conraceptive services to those whom the church provides health insurance--at no cost to the recipient--even if those services aren't included in the insurance offerings.
    This ruling satisfies other voter bases: 
The women's movement--including the federally-funded Planned Parenthood--have bullied their way into the teachings of the catholic church
The dependency class have their 'right-to-boink-without-consequences' position reinforced AGAIN by the federal government.
Another example of the infectious over-reach of the owe-bamaKare travesty; with little interest in caring for the reproductive health of the recipient, rather a great interest in the ever-increasing power and control this ruling will provide the federal government.  This is a restrictive plan with it's greatest goal of driving private insurance plans out of business; driving more-and-more individuals to the federally controlled insurance 'exchanges.'
    In late November, 2011, Belmont Abbey College, Belmont, N.C., filed suit against the owe-bama Regime alleging the HHS Department has infringed on the college's First Amendment right to freedom of religion by requiring employers to offer health insurance coverage for sterilization and contraception.  While he doesn't think the action will go that far, College President, Dr William Thierfelder assured the Gadsden (N.C.) Gazette: the college would close it's doors before it submitted to the latest in outrageous owe-bama Regime mandates.
Dr Thierfelder opines: "not even the ministry of Jesus and the early Christian church would qualify as religious because they did not confine their ministry to their co-religionists or engage in a preaching-only ministry."
Do Not Piss-Off The Catholics!!
'Splain to me again why YOU elected this Arschloch!?!
Til Nex'Time....



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