Friday, April 20, 2012

This'n'That; April Twentieth #2; 'The Nuge;' And Not....?!?

Why Ted Nugent And Not....
1.  Louis E. Wolcott, you know him as 'Calypso-Louie' Farrakhan, or
2.  Jesse L. Burns, you know him as Jesse Jackson, or
3.  Alfred C. Sharpton, Jr., you know him as 'Al,' or
4.  Anthony K. Jones, you know him as 'Van,' or
5.  Jeremiah Wright, you know him as the "God dam' America" author, and
6.  On-and-on-and-on-and-on-and-on, et al!!
    By now everyone's heard the comments Ted Nugent made during his National Rifle Association address:
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes president in November, again,  I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.  We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November.  Any questions?"
And another 'Nugent-ism:'
"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault.  It's your fault for not shooting him."
Ted was alleging that "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" may not have America's--or the American citizen's--best interests at heart
(I'm actively laughing cuz I believe owe-bama's sole purpose in life is to convert America to the communist way-of-life!!). 
Why are we--as in the U.S. Secret Service--looking into statements Mr Nugent made; when he was merely verbalizing what the vast majority of the conservative majority in America are thinking?!?
    Wouldn't logic tell the U.S. Secret Service that anyone on the aforementioned list of negro miscreants very well might be a greater threat to the nation and thus--by extension--the "Clown Prince?!?"  Many on the list have openly, outwardly and with great hostility, advocated RACIAL, RACIST, violent attacks on non-negros in every corner of the United States!!  We can expect those listed miscreants to launch their incindiary eruptions of vile rhetoric at each opportunity involving some other alleged--albeit lesser--negro miscreant!! 
Why Ted Nugent?!?  He has had far fewer eruptions; with far less vile!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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