Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Sunday 'Report;' 06/10/2012

What The National Pamphleteers Don't Report:
Admiral Kuznetsov Defends George Soros

by John Ransom
June 10, 2012Jasch wrote: There's a difference between saving jobs and creating them. The GM/Chrysler bailouts simply put....just saved the companies from bankruptcy and lay-offs. -
Obama is Latest Surrogate to Break with Obama
Dear Jasch,
Actually the bailout did neither.
Chrysler and GM still filed for bankruptcy and workers got laid off.
Of course the only workers who got rehired were workers who were part of the UAW. All the non-UAW people were left out in the cold. As to the bankruptcy, the government insisted on the bankruptcy because it was the easiest way to screw the secured creditors and turn over the companies to the union.
"They are rewriting law, and certainly bond markets never priced in an interpretation that you can rewrite things because it's in the best interest" of unintentional stakeholders -- taxpayers, the company's employees, and municipalities that will be affected, Kingman Penniman, president of KDP, told MarketWatch, reported Daily Finance. The UAW got about 67 percent of Chrysler and about 17 percent of GM in the bailout of the auto industry.
Doctor Roy wrote: Could it be possible that Krugman was right all along? Walmart put more small businesses out of work. Well I'd say certain segments of the private sector are doing fine. The usual suspects of course. Wall Street doing fine. Main Street not so much. Clinton is being very subtle with his praise of Romney. If you read between the lines what he really is saying is that Romney was very good at making money for a very narrow subset of the population-the Bane shareholders- and it's a whole different ballgame when as President he will or should have to represent all the stockholders in America. In other words every one of us. .- Obama is Latest Surrogate to Break with Obama
Dear Comrade Doctor,
I read the Forbes blog that you linked to. Can I please have the three minutes of my life back? For a guy who claims to be a economist, his piece was devoid of [....]

Barack Obama And Mitt Romney: An Issues Overview
by Sam Rolley
Personal Liberty Digest
June 4, 2012

    Now that Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has reached the Republican Party’s “magic number” of delegates needed to be named the GOP candidate, Americans will be subjected to five months of red herring mudslinging and distractions from both him and President Barack Obama. Here’s where they stand on some of the top issues about which Rasmussen says Americans care the most.
Obama: Believes that stimulus is the answer to creating more jobs to fix the economy. His first term was marked by a recession that began in the previous Administration and “officially” ended within six months, though Americans continue to feel economic pain. Implemented an $800 billion stimulus plan and provided bailouts for the automobile and financial industries.
Romney: Favored 2008 financial bailouts but opposed automobile industry bailouts. Promises to cap Federal spending at 20 percent of gross domestic product by the end of his first term. Says he will cut Federal workforce by 10 percent, end subsidies to Amtrak to the tune of $1.6 billion and cut $600 million from government spending on arts and broadcasting. His plan would allow the military to spend $4 for every $100 the economy produces, amounting to about $2.1 trillion over 10 years.
Obama: Implemented Obamacare, the individual mandate portion of which — requiring almost everyone to obtain health coverage — is currently being considered by the Supreme Court. The biggest changes under the plan are set to take effect in 2014, among them: banning insurers from [....]

Wellesley High grads told: “You’re not special”

by B. Brown 
June 5, 2012
    For those of you who have long since gotten sick of the trend among education experts toward “self esteem” rather than actual learning, this story will be extremely cathartic. Wellesley High School teacher David McCullough, Jr. (son of historian David McCullough) had apparently had enough of feeding blithering platitudes to his students and decided to tell the truth. The result sparked controversy among the parents, who didn’t like hearing their children accused of being cosseted and pampered little brats who believed they were special for no reason. But sometimes the truth hurts. Read the greatest hits below:
You are not special. You are not exceptional.
Contrary to what your u9 soccer trophy suggests, your glowing seventh grade report card, despite every assurance of a certain corpulent purple dinosaur, that nice Mister Rogers and your batty Aunt Sylvia, no matter how often your maternal caped crusader has swooped in to save you… you’re nothing special.
Yes, you’ve been pampered, cosseted, doted upon, helmeted, bubble-wrapped. Yes, capable adults with other things to do have held you, kissed you, fed you, wiped your mouth, wiped your bottom, trained you, taught you, tutored you, coached you, listened to you, counseled you, encouraged you, consoled you and encouraged you again. You’ve been nudged, cajoled, wheedled and implored. You’ve been feted and fawned over and called sweetie pie. Yes, you have. And, certainly, we’ve been to your games, your plays, your recitals, your science fairs. Absolutely, smiles ignite when you walk into a room, and hundreds gasp with delight at your every tweet. Why, maybe you’ve even had [....]
[Original Link]
['The Blaze' Link]
[Original Report]

‘Tea Bag’ Haters Who Want ‘White Man Rule’: Wis. Union Boss Reacts to Recall at Occupy Rally

by Madeleine Morgenstern,
June 8, 2012
    A Wisconsin state employees union president let loose about the Tea Party the day after Gov. Scott Walker won his recall election, referring to gatherings as a “tea bag” and saying its members are “a bunch of haters…that want to go back to the 50s. White man rule.”
    According to video posted online, Gilbert Johnson of the American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees Local 82 was speaking at an Occupy Milwaukee rally. He praised its members for being multiracial and instructed everyone present to “hug” the person next to them:
You never see this at a tea bag, man. What you have is a bunch of haters, people that tell lies, people that want to go back to the 50s. White man rule. White man only. [...]
In the good state of Wisconsin, we have people that lie, they want money and they care about themselves. You know, the statistic came out that the minority population will soon be exceeding the white population and all of a sudden we started having guns, and they started ‘let’s get guns, let’s get this castle doctrine, and you know let’s go back to the 50s way where we could just kill people and hang people and go back to that time we tried to get so far away from. So, you know, that‘s what we’re up against. We‘re up against people that want to have those kind of people concentrate on those kind [....]

Louisiana school voucher program begins to take shape

by The Associated Press,
May 22, 2012

NEW ORLEANS -- Details of a new school voucher program in Louisiana soon will be taking shape.
Friday was the deadline for private schools to apply to the state if they want to be able to accept students who take part in the program, which will pay government-funded private school tuition for some Louisiana students. State education officials were compiling information on the applicants Monday. Information on the schools participating and the number of seats available for voucher students in those schools could be released Tuesday. Meanwhile, families who want their children to take part in the program known as Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence can begin applying on Tuesday.
    The program is for students who are from low- to moderate-income families and who attend public schools that earned a C, D or F under the state's school accountability program. Gov. Bobby Jindal [....]

Obama: 'Private sector doing 'fine'
Blames high unemployment on loss of government jobs.
June 8, 2012President Obama told reporters that "the private sector is doing fine," as he attributed the high unemployment rate to a lack of government jobs.
"Overall, the private sector has been doing a good job creating jobs," Obama told reporters this morning. "The big challenge we have in our economy right now is state and local government hiring has been going in the wrong direction," he explained, citing [....]

Republican Candidates On The Issues:
Former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney
Staff Report,
republican-candidates.orgRomney on Abortion
Romney initially believes in the right of a woman to decide, before changing his position and he now  opposes abortions.
“I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother.”
July 26, 2005, Boston Globe, Why I vetoed contraception bill
Federal ban on abortions
Romney favors state level legislation.
“But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.”
July 26, 2005, Boston Globe, Why I vetoed contraception bill
In favour.
Roe v. Wade
Favors a repeal
Tensions and Operational Challenges in Pakistan
by Scott Stewart,
June 7, 2012

    On June 4, four U.S. diplomats assigned to the Consulate General of the United States in Peshawar, Pakistan, were stopped at a military checkpoint and temporarily detained after refusing to allow their two vehicles to be searched. The diplomats -- including a vice consul -- were traveling in a two-vehicle motorcade and were accompanied by three Pakistani Foreign Service National (FSN) security officers.
    According to media reports, the Pakistani military has charged that the diplomats had traveled to Malakand without first obtaining permission from the Pakistani government. Malakand is a city located about 120 kilometers (75 miles) northeast of Peshawar in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province, formerly known as the Northwest Frontier Province. Because of the problems Pakistan has had with foreign jihadists in its border badlands, all foreigners are required to obtain something called a No Objection Certificate from Pakistan's Interior Ministry before visiting areas in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and the adjacent Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Furthermore, the Pakistani press noted that the Pakistani military also objected to the Americans and their Pakistani FSNs' being armed and operating vehicles with fake license plates to disguise the diplomatic vehicles. At its core, though, this incident [....]

Former Chicago ACORN Official funded with $445 million by Obama Administration

by Bob Beauprez
June 10, 2012    The man who once ran the Chicago housing programs for ACORN, the notoriously corrupt, scandalous community organization, is now the director of a new Illinois housing assistance program funded with $445 million by the White House. In the Obama Administration waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption aren't rooted out – they get repackaged and rewarded with a huge budget increase. Remember the outrage over the exposure of ACORN travesties including voter fraud and offering advice on tax evasion that led to Congress overwhelmingly voting to defund the scandal plagued organization (345-71 in the House, 85-11 in the Senate)?
    Less salacious, but far more economically disastrous was the "starring role" that ACORN played in precipitating the financial meltdown of 2008 initiated by the sub-prime mortgage market meltdown. According to acclaimed investigative journalist Matthew Vadum, ACORN's [....]

So-Called Paycheck Fairness Act Would Allow Government to Second-Guess Private Markets

by Daniel J. Mitchell
June 10, 2012     Back in 2010, I cited the superb work of Christina Hoff Summers as she explained that we should let markets determine wages rather than giving that power to a bunch of bean-counting bureaucrats. She wrote that article because leftists at the time were pushing a so-called Paycheck Fairness Act that would have given the government powers to second guess compensation levels produced by the private marketplace. For all intents and purposes, proponents were arguing that employers were deliberately and systematically sacrificing profits by paying men more than they were worth (which is the unavoidable flip side of arguing that women were paid less than they were worth).
Well, bad ideas never die and [....]

Farm Bill 'Reform' Stuffed With Pork

by Debra J. Saunders
Jun 10, 2012
    Every once in a while, Democrats and Republicans can work together. Witness Thursday's 90-8 vote to bring a "bipartisan reform" farm bill before the Senate. In the expectation that the bill will garner the necessary 60 votes, the House Agriculture Committee has changed its schedule to allow a floor debate on the measure in July. The White House applauded. This is Washington's version of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
    There's just one little problem. Somehow, whenever the two parties work together, they end up spending a lot of other people's money. The Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012, co-authored by Sens. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., and Pat Roberts, R-Kan., would be a 10-year, $969 billion package. Stabenow boasts that her bill would produce $23.6 billion in savings from what Washington would spend under current law. "We examined every agriculture program to see what was working and what wasn't," said she. That's all she could squeeze out of a $969 billion package? President Barack Obama proposed shaving $32 billion from that pot. The GOP House budget calls for a reduction of almost $180 billion over 10 years. Stabenow does have one accomplishment over which she is free to crow, and she has: "The era of direct payments is over. We're not going to be paying farmers for crops they don't grow." The end of the direct payments program should save taxpayers about $5 billion annually. Alas, noted [....]
What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls

Staff Reports
June 9, 2012    Americans want a little less government in their lives, and they definitely don’t like the government telling them how big a Coke they can drink. While surveys for years have told us that Americans prefer a government with fewer services and lower taxes, just over half (51%) also continue to believe the government is more of a threat to individual rights than a protector of them. At the same time, 51% think it’s more important for the government to protect individual rights than to promote economic growth.
This includes the right to make bad choices sometimes. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made headlines with his proposed ban on the sale of super-size sugary drinks in the name of public health. But 65% of American Adults oppose a law that would ban the sale of any cup or bottle of sweetened drink larger than 16 ounces. Eighty-five percent (85%) say the government doesn’t have the authority to impose such a ban.
    As Scott Rasmussen explains in his latest syndicated newspaper column, "America’s Political Class likes to frame every debate as a choice between doing nothing or letting the government do it. In the case of nutritional issues, most Americans see another option: Let individuals make their own choices, and then let them bear the burden or reap the reward of those choices."
    Wisconsin voters opted this past week for [....]

Walker Victory: This is What the Tea Party is About

by Mona Charen
June 08, 2012
    Though it hasn't been celebrated as such, Scott Walker's victory in Wisconsin represents the full flowering of the tea party movement. It is also a sign -- among others -- that the Republican Party has recaptured its ideological core. The tea partyers are often mischaracterized as extreme right-wingers. Thus, proponents of same-sex marriage or unrestricted abortion will invoke "tea party" elements as those most opposed to their efforts. That's off target. Though many in the movement may have conservative social views, those weren't the issues that spurred them to organize, demonstrate and vote.
No, the tea partyers -- judging by their signs, speeches and writings -- were alarmed about irresponsible government spending, bailouts of the undeserving and spiraling debt. The tea partyers are actually the 21st century "goo-goos" -- good government types -- the label that [....]

The Fear Vote

by Bill O'Reilly
June 09, 2012

    If the election were held tomorrow, Mitt Romney would be the next president of the United States. Why? Because many voters are afraid, that's why. And fearful people usually try to change their circumstances. If you listen to talk radio or watch cable news, you'd think everyone was an ideologue, obsessed with party politics. But many, perhaps most, American voters are not wedged into a voting pattern. The same country that elected the conservative George W. Bush voted for the very liberal Barack Obama the next time around. It is perception that wins national elections.
    Bush was perceived to be a terror warrior, and that's why he won a second term. Voters wanted payback for 9/11, and Bush, along with the fierce Dick Cheney, simply had more tough guy cred than Al Gore or John Kerry. At least that was the perception. Obama isn't nearly as tough as Sen. John McCain, but by 2008, the faltering economy had overridden the terror threat, and the slick senator from Illinois promised hope and change, a return to prosperity and fairness. McCain promised "Country First." Nobody quite knew what that meant, and voters did want a change from the vicious recessionary economy, so Obama won. Now, voters are [....]

Van Jones Issues Dire Warning: The Tea Party Will Use Power to ‘Decimate Us’

by Billy Hallowell,
June 9, 2012

    As The Blaze previously reported, liberals assembled this weekend in Providence, Rhode Island, for Netroots Nation, an annual conference aimed at promoting the progressive cause. Closing out the event was Van Jones, the former White House official who has distinguished himself as being especially hostile toward the American right. In his address, the one-time green jobs adviser warned the audience about the Tea Party and encouraged them to fight diligently to ensure their policies are enacted.
Here‘s just a sampling of Jones’ words:
“If the Tea Party is allowed to score a trifecta, their ideas already are corrupting the Supreme Court, you see that with Scalia’s antics, they already have half of the Congress. If they get the rest…and the White House…if the Tea Party governs America — if this time next year, you are living in a government run by the Tea Party — let me suggest to you that [....]

These 13 Stocks Are a Major Bargain

by David Sterman
June 9, 2012    Lost in all of the noise of a slumping, rebounding and slumping-again global economy is a remarkable success story. A wide range of U.S. manufacturers have been sharpening their game, and are now retaining or even taking market share from tough competitors such as Germany, Japan, China, Brazil and elsewhere. Indeed, the rising tide of exports from U.S. factories to foreign markets has been one of the most under-reported stories of recent years. It's the single biggest factor behind a long string of upside earnings surprises coming out of America's heartland, and I think it's where there are significant gains for investors.
From Alcoa (NYSE: AA) to Ford (NYSE: F) to Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT), American manufacturers are now dominating their industries and poised for better days ahead. Sadly, the recent market meltdown has rendered this great story moot. Industrial stocks are being sold off aggressively, as if they were simply broken businesses. Sure, the slower global economy will hurt a bit, but these industrial stocks don't deserve the pummeling they've taken. A quick glance through various earnings forecasts makes you wonder why investors think these businesses are broken. In many instances, analysts expect these companies [....]

Holder’s Lies Exposed By DOJ Document Leak

Staff Report

June 8, 2012
    Wiretap applications obtained by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform prove Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant AG Lanny Breuer lied to Committee members when they claimed DOJ personnel knew nothing of the tactics used by the ATF during Operation Fast And Furious.
Wiretap applications are forms that must be filled out and submitted to a judge,asking permission to perform a wiretap. As these requests may only be made if all other information-gathering techniques have been tried and found wanting,the applications are completed in extraordinary detail,listing all prior methods employed by law enforcement to gather existing evidence. In short,the entire history of the efforts put forth by law enforcement during a particular case or investigation are presented in writing to the court.
    According to Committee chair Darrell Issa,six wiretap applications are now in Committee possession,all presented to the court between March and June of 2010 and all having been approved by Department of Justice officials. In fact,“each application included a memorandum from Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer to Paul M. O’Brien,Office of Enforcement Operations,authorizing the wiretap applications on behalf of the Attorney General.” “The memoranda from Breuer are marked specifically for the attention of Emory Hurley,the lead prosecutor for Operation Fast and Furious.”
Why is this so significant? As [....]

Is Greece European?
by Robert D. Kaplan,
June 6, 2012
    Greece is where the West both begins and ends. The West -- as a humanist ideal -- began in ancient Athens where compassion for the individual began to replace the crushing brutality of the nearby civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia. The war that Herodotus chronicles between Greece and Persia in the 5th century B.C. established a contrast between West and East that has persisted for millennia. Greece is Christian, but it is also Eastern Orthodox, as spiritually close to Russia as it is to the West, and geographically equidistant between Brussels and Moscow. Greece may have invented the West with the democratic innovations of the Age of Pericles, but for more than a thousand years it was a child of Byzantine and Turkish despotism. And while Greece was the northwestern bastion of the anciently civilized Near East, ever since history moved north into colder climates following the collapse of Rome, the inhabitants of Peninsular Greece have found themselves at the poor, southeastern extremity of Europe.
    Modern Greece in particular has struggled against this bifurcated legacy. In an early 20th century replay of the Greco-Persian Wars, Greece's post-World War I military struggle with Turkey led to a signal Greek defeat and as a consequence, more than a million ethnic Greeks from Asia Minor escaped to Greece proper, further impoverishing the country. (This Greek diaspora in Asia Minor was a massive source of revenue [....]

The End of Counterinsurgency and the Scalable Force
by George Friedman,
June 5, 2012

    The U.S. military for years has debated the utility of counterinsurgency operations. Drawing from a sentiment that harkens back to the Vietnam War, many within the military have long opposed counterinsurgency operations. Others see counterinsurgency as the unavoidable future of U.S. warfare. The debate is between those who believe the purpose of a conventional military force is to defeat another conventional military force and those who believe conventional military conflicts increasingly will be replaced by conflicts more akin to recent counterinsurgency operations. In such conflicts, the purpose of a counterinsurgency is to transform an occupied society in order to undermine the insurgents.
    Understanding this debate requires the understanding that counterinsurgency is not a type of warfare; it is one strategy by which a disproportionately powerful conventional force approaches asymmetric warfare. As its name implies, it is a response to an insurgency, a type of asymmetric conflict undertaken by small units with close links to the occupied population to defeat a larger conventional force. Insurgents typically are highly motivated -- otherwise they collapse easily -- and usually possess superior intelligence to a foreign occupational force. Small units operating with superior intelligence are able to evade more powerful conventional forces and can strike such forces at their own discretion. Insurgents are not expected to defeat the occupying force through direct military force. Rather, the assumption is that the occupying force has less interest in the outcome of the war than the insurgents and that over time, the inability to defeat the insurgency will compel the occupying force to withdraw.
    According to counterinsurgency theory, the strength of an insurgency lies in the relationship between insurgents and the general population. The relationship provides a logistical base and an intelligence apparatus. It also provides [....]
Until Next Sunday....



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