Thursday, September 6, 2012

This'n'That; September Sixth #2; TANSTAAFL!!

Rochester, N.Y., Opts For.... "Equality?"
    It doesn't matter how much you earn or the source of your 'earnings.'  You can be a fifth-generation welfareRAT--and we got plenty of those--or you have have a million-dollar annual income like the "Clown Prince" and "Clown Princess" obama--we don'got plenty of those--your kids will still qualify for free breakfasts and lunches in the Rochester City School District.
    Can you believe this load-a-shit?!?  Apparently, the city hierarchy has developed the welfareRAT mentality:  There IS such a thing as a 'free' lunch; it's all obammoney!!  And yet at the first hiccup in the city budget, said hierarchy will come hat-in-hand to the property-taxpayer!!
Folks, Ya just can't make this crap up!!!
Til Nex'Time....



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