Thursday, September 13, 2012

This'n'That; September Thirteenth #1; Nuts!

"Closed Circuit" Message For obama
    Seems to me that you're not able to act properly; in a manly way; in a presidential way.  Now might be a really good time for you to ask beg "Michelle Antoinette" to loosen the grasp she has on your nuts!  You are in dire need of a testosterone injection and dam' quick!!
    Governor Romney is making you look like more of a fool that you, yourself normally do!!  I gotta ask ya?!?  Who was the more-presidential in their response to the recent radical, muslim terrorist actions in the Middle East? RIGHT!! Governor Romney!!  You've got to take back your nut-sack control if you expect to have any chance at all in the upcoming re-immaculation election!!
Til Nex'Time....



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