Saturday, April 10, 2010

This'n'That; April 10th[FederalPork;NationalID]

Poor Economy NOT Affecting "Pork"   
The "worst economy since The Great Depression" hasn't affected re-distribution to buy votes!!  In the wake of the obamaCare cramdown, against the wishes of the majority of American taxpayers, the ruling class continues to misappropriate OUR money to buy votes.     The results of MY [New York] legislators pissing away MY MONEY to BUY ENOUGH VOTES to stay in office:
  • Senator Charles "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer sponsored 53 pork bills; co-sponsored 758 more for a grand total of $2,575,612,310 [$2.5 BILLION!!]
  • Senator Kirsten "The Invisible Senator" Gillibrand sponsored 23 pork bills; co-sponsored 146 more for a grand total of $391,185,243 [~$400 MILLION!!]
  • Representative Geeze-Louise McIntosh Rodham Slaughter sponsored 29 pork bills; co-sponsored 61 more for a grand total of $146,467,807 [~$150 MILLION!!]  
  • The net result of all this "sausage making" is that New York can expect a whooping $3,113,265,360 [~$3.1 BILLION!!].

The taxpayer would fare far better if the New York "three stooges" just wrote an equal check to each NYS resident [NOT Taxpayer]:  
$3,113,265,360 shared by an estimated 19,490,297 residents= ~$159.75 each.
Now add ~$32.2 BILLION in porkulus spending shared by the same 19,490,297 residents=~$1,652.13 each.

Now add ~$150 MILLION to fund the unnessary western New York highspeed rail link between Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany and New York City.  This will be nothing more than a monument to Geeze-Louise McIntosh Rodham Slaughter... and after the fad wears off--unused!!
This brings the total of the sausage plus the pork to ~$1,820.00, each.  This would equate to an additional:
In this analogy, New York's vast number of welfareRATs would get the same amount as the taxpayers who actually funded it!!
$151.65 per month, or:
$35.00 per week, or:
$0.88 per hour, for EVERYONE in New York State!!

MORE Schumer Shit Crap!
Senators Lindsey Graham and "Chuckie-Cheese" Schumer have teamed-up with the "Clown Prince" and are actually attempting to require ALL U.S. citizens to possess a biometric ID.  These Three-Stooges want to imprint it on your Social Security card. This from the Washington Post:

"We would require all U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who want jobs to obtain a high-tech, fraud -proof Social Security card. Each card's unique biometric identifier would be stored only on the card.... The card would be a high-tech version of the Social Security card that citizens already have."  
That...."would be stored only on the card...." thingie?
That's just more political bullshit!!
Anyone remember when the back of your Social Security Card read: "Not to be used for identification."
That went away just as any promises about the proposed biometric card will!!    The Three Stooges  claim that requiring biometric National IDs for ALL AMERICANS would "ensure that illegal workers cannot get jobs."
My guess is that they don't understand the relationship between Home Depot and immigrant "under-the-table" work......

Does Revelations--Chapter 13, ring a bell here??

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark..." -Revelation 13: 16-17 (KJV)

   Can anyone guess why the two greatest champions of amnesty for illegal aliens in the United States Senate have suddenly decided to get "tough" on the issue of illegal immigration??
Why they are demanding, first and foremost, that ALL Americans possess biometric ID cards in order to obtain gainful employment??   
   The answer is that this Three Stooges'  "immigration reform" proposal is nothing more than a RUSE by fascists--drunk with power--to grab even more control over every American life; where you can go; where you can work; where you can live; you see the game here...? Human Events summed up what is already being expressed by far too many people on the subject:

"In actuality, the plan Senators Charles Schumer (D.-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.) rolled out amounts to a retread of the Bush-McCain amnesty plan of 2006 and 2007. Its main elements include mass amnesty for virtually all illegal aliens, even more legal immigration and meaningless 'enforcement.'” Meaningless "immigration reform" coupled with a requirement that every man, woman and child possess a biometric ID? ... Something smells rotten... but the stench isn't coming from Denmark... it's coming from the United States Senate and the White House.
Kiss Your Privacy, Your Liberties And Your God-Given Rights Goodbye.
Of course, Schumer, Graham and Obama know that no sane American is going to willingly accept a biometric National ID card... much less a requirement that you must possess such a card to hold gainful employment. That's why they attempted to spin the issue in a Washington Post article. Look at the following passage by Schumer and Graham and see if you can identify the double-speak.

"We would require all U.S. citizens and legal immigrants who want jobs to obtain a high-tech, fraud- proof Social Security card. Each card's unique biometric identifier would be stored only on the card; no government database would house everyone's information. The cards would not contain any private information, medical information or tracking devices. The card would be a high-tech version of the Social Security card that citizens already have."
Schumer and Graham may claim that your private information will remain private but if these National ID cards, which carry "unique biometric identifiers," don't give the government access to "private information" and "no government database would house everyone's information" then how will the government be able to use the ID card to verify identity and immigration status in the first place? The obvious answer is that under those circumstances, the cards would be useless and the entire exercise of compelling every man, woman and child to possess such an ID would be meaningless.
Do You Really Believe A Biometric ID Will Not Be Used To Infringe On Your Liberties?
 Did you know that until the 1980s, Social Security cards came with a statement printed on the card which said it was not to be used for purposes of identification?  That promise, of course, didn't last very long and by the 1980s, the federal government, many years after the fact, gave up on even acknowledging that the promise was ever made and stopped printing the statement. And today, Social Security numbers are used for a variety of purposes by both the public and the private sector. What's the point of this little history lesson?

Pure double-speak... of course, there is an even more frightening eventuality... namely that there is nothing to prevent the federal government from eventually tying these biometric National ID cards to the very records that Graham and Schumer claim will NOT be stored... medical records... employment records... banking records... in short, the government will have an instrument that will give some faceless, government official access to every move you make. That's not "immigration reform" ... that's tyranny.

Simply put, do you place any trust in an elected official who says that a unique biometric identifier that is placed on your Social Security card and is tied to a government database will never be used to store your private information?

More accurately stated, they already want to tell you how to run your life... such unprecedented access would simply give them the tool they need to make it happen. And for those who don't tow the line... well the government has total access to your bank records... your assets... your medical records... ALL your personal information down to where you buy your groceries and what you ate for dinner last night... it shouldn't be too hard to figure out just how a biometric National ID card can be used as a weapon by an oppressive government to curb your liberties and impose tyranny. Some will say that such a thing could never happen in the United States but if you're reading this urgent appeal, you already know better.
Our federal government under that fascist, the "Clown Prince," has already taken effective control of the banks, the automotive industry, our health care system and its moving to gobble-up even more sectors of the economy. It would be an understatement to say, that a National ID card with unique biometric identifiers that is tied to a government controlled database is a bad idea. That's why we must take steps right now to put an immediate stop to this foolishness. Til Nex'Time....



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