Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This'n'That; March Thirtieth #3; Slimy 'Situation!'

Slimy Selection; Slimy Politician?
    Tom Richards is now the mayor of Rochester, N.Y.  Is he a slimy politician?  I don't know; I don't know Mr Richards from 'a bag of hubcaps!'  I do think the process was covered in slime; the 'players:'
  • Rochester's immediately previous mayor was Bob Duffy-current Lt Governor.
  • Rochester's Deputy Mayor under Duffy was Patricia Malgieri.
  • Rochester's 'City' Corporation Counsel under Duffy was Tom Richards.
  • Rochester's Neighborhood and Business Development Commissioner under Duffy was R. Carlos Carballada.
The 'slime' as it appeared; as I remember it:
  • It appeared that Mayor Duffy was apparently thinking of his successor as he contemplated being 'Young Andy' Cuomo's running mate.
  • It appeared that Deputy-Mayor Malgieri seemed to be pushed out of office under the guise of exploring other options, or somesuch nonsense.
  • City Corporation Counsel Tom Richards was appointed Deputy Mayor on 10/28/2010.
  • Deputy-Mayor Tom Richards became Mayor on 01/01/2011, upon Mayor Duffy's resignation prior to being sworn in as Lt Governor.
  • Mayor Tom Richards resigns his office on 01/20/2011, under some convoluted interpretation of some convoluted law (the Hatch Act, I think).
  • R. Carlos Carballada is appointed Acting-Mayor on 01/20/2011.
  • Tom Richards is elected Mayor on 03/29/2011.
    The heartburn I have is in the selection process, not the election process.  It seems to me Patricia Malgieri should have assumed the mayorship upon Mayor Duffy's resignation.  Instead, Tom Richards was 'stuffed into' the Deputy Mayorship after Ms Malgieri was forced out.  Every step of the way seemed to get slimier and slimier until the point where City Council appointed Mr Carballada as Acting-Mayor.
    The election process--from my vantage point--seemed to be amiable in advertising, in campaigning and in debates.  My 'guy' didn't win, but with the larger-than-normal turnout, the election was fair!!
Til Nex'Time....



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