Thursday, March 31, 2011

This'n'That; March Thirty-First #1; reid

'Pinky' reid Duplicating The "Clown Prince" 
   We all know "Clown Prince" owe-bama is a world-class liar; 'Pinky' reid seems to think that's the way to go!  Mr reid regularly takes huge 'liberties with the truth' when talking about the Tea Party movement:
    Recently reid--blathering almost as often as owe-bama--said that Tea Party popularity is slipping fast, nearing untold lows.  The actual truth of the matter is that the Tea Party movement enjoys higher approval numbers (above 50%) than either major political party (both in the mid-40s% range) and our ruler as well (owe-bama's approval stands at 24%!!)
Til Nex'Time....



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