Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This'n'That; May Eighteenth #3; Rinos Roster

'Rino Herd' Growing In Numbers!
    A prominent name is being added to the Rino 'herd,' just four days after declaring for the GOP presidential nomination (Rino: Republican In Name Only).  'Newt' Gingrich "stepped on his own duu-luu" (a Rochester, N.Y. euphemism for penis) when he 'cut the "Ryan Budget Plan" off at the knees' during Sunday's "Meet the (de)Press(ed)."
    Mr Gingrich is joining the 'herd' of Mitt Romney (a living, breathing MODERATE), Mike Huckabee (who's recently withdrawn), Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty  and (much as I like him:) 'The Donald,' et al!!  None of these guys is really electable, given their positions on the issues or--in the case of 'The Donald'--their personal baggage.  Here's where Mr Gingrich 'duct-tapes' his duu-luu, closes down his campaign headquarters, limps back to Marietta and gets on with his life!!
    Now is the time--early on in the campaign--for Herman Cain to step further forward, annunciate and elucidate his experience, his plans, his programs for the American future.  Early, on.... Mr Cain would be my choice for the 'top of the ticket;'  he's everything owe-bama is not!!  With the "Clown Prince" being the most inept, the most inexperienced, the most incompetent in any crowd he's in; Mr Cain has been CEO of the "Godfather's Pizza" chain--the man ultimately in charge: making sure the payroll's being met; making sure 'customer care' is being exercised; making sure he meets his fiduciary responsibilities with respect to his stockholders, his franchisees!
    Now is the time--early on in the campaign--for Michelle Bachmann to step further forward, as well.  Rep Bachmann too, is everything owe-bama is not!!  She's actually 'worked for wages;' has not--I repeat: Has NOT--worked as a community-agitator on the streets of Chicago's southside!!  I'd like to see a 'Cain-Bachmann' GOP ticket to oppose the 'Barry and Plug' show! 
Til Nex'Time....



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