Thursday, May 19, 2011

This'n'That; May Nineteenth #1; Boeing

owe-bama's Laser-Like 'Jobs' Focus: Boeing
    We all know by now, "Clown Prince" owe-bama's 'laser-like focus' on jobs creation has taken a "left-turn" practically since his emmaculation.  The next victim of his 'economic hit-men' is Boeing, Inc., a perveyor of some of the world's largest and finest aircraft-both military and civilian.
    Boeing made a purely business, economic decision to locate their corporate expansion to South Carolina, one of the twenty-two 'right-to-work' (RTW) states.  RTW states--statistically--have far better economic and business climates in which to open a new/transferred enterprise.  In the past ten years, these states have experienced private sector job growth of 37.9%;  46% private sector business growth; 39.5% growth in personal per-capita income!   With just 11% of American workers unionized, is it any wonder the "Clown Prince" is fighting this move, "tooth-and-nail?!?"  Everytime, the Soros/Jarrett/owe-bama team 'rolls-over-and-plays-dead,' where the labor unions are involved!  Even after profiting from the thinly veiled PORKulus bailouts, labor unions are demanding even more to support these fascists!!
    Since the Nancy PORKlosi-Pinky reid Congress passed the owe-bamaKare bill "so we could find out what's in it," they've (both the 'team' and the owe-bamacRATs) used the commerce clause of the Constitution to justify forcing the serfs to buy a product they may or may not, want or need.  With Boeing's new enterprise in South Carolina, the 'team' is using the direct opposite meaning of the commerce clause to protest the change in location from the State of Washington, a forced-union state.  Where was the left's outrage prior to Boeing's investment of over two-billion-dollars; prior to Boeing's forcast of the creation of more than 3,800 jobs?!?
These fascists gotta go!!
Til Nex'Time....



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