Thursday, May 5, 2011

This'n'That; May Fifth #2; Jarrett

What's Val's Hold On The "Clown Prince?"
    Any objective observer can see lots of examples of Valarie Jarrett's ability to sway "Clown Prince" owe-bama's position on various topics.  This being the primary reason she as well as owe-bama, were quarantined from the decision-making process in the bin Laden 'Kill Mission.'  Ms Jarrett is the "Clown's" Senior Advisor as well as overseeing the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, Public Engagement, Urban Affairs.  But:  She may not be the 'original thinker' here, only the 'go-between' for Soros' messages to owe-bama.
   Jarrett has worked with and for, the likes of the felon: Tony Resko and Allison Davis; has been involved in several real estate frauds; is the daughter of Vernon Jarrett, a communist party, USA promoter and communist 'king-maker,' as in promoting owe-bama's fledgling political career in newspaper columns.
    Could the level-of-control stem from their Communist Party, USA connections?!
Could the level-of-control stem from their association with Michael Signator, an owe-bama hatchetman, known to less than five regime insiders?!
    We shall see what we shall see!!
Til Nex'Time....



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