Saturday, July 23, 2011

"Clown Prince" Weekly Blather; July 23rd

As usual, this entry is completely out-of-order; a better "read" can be found at!!
A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 07/23/2011
July 23, 2011

barackingham Palace;
District of Corruption
    For years, the government has spent more money than it takes in. The result is a lot of debt on our nation’s credit card – debt that unless we act will weaken our economy, cause higher interest rates for families, and force us to scale back things like education and Medicare.  Now, folks in Washington like to blame one another for this problem. But the truth is, neither party is blameless. And both parties have a responsibility to do something about it. Every day, families are figuring out how stretch their paychecks – struggling to cut what they can’t afford so they can pay for what’s really important. It’s time for Washington to do the same thing. But for that to happen, it means that Democrats and Republicans have to work together. It means we need to put aside our differences to do what’s right for the country. Everyone is going to have to be willing to compromise. Otherwise, we’ll never get anything done.  That’s why we need a balanced approach to cutting the deficit. We need an approach that goes after waste in the budget and gets rid of pet projects that cost billions of dollars. We need an approach that makes some serious cuts to worthy programs – cuts I wouldn’t make under normal circumstances. And we need an approach that asks everybody to do their part. 
[What I'm not telling you:  My 'claim-to-fame;' one of the most egregious actions for which I'll be remembered is that during just two-and-one-half years, I've increased the national debt by a whoppin' forty-three percent!!  That's a 43% INCREASE!!  While 'neither party is blameless,' the owe-bamacRATics have the reputation and supporting statistics which verify that we are synonymous with deficit spending to support our socio-fascist beliefs, policies and programs. 
    These debt ceiling negotiations greatly depend on the art of compromise.  To that end I refer to it's definition in the ol' Funk 'n' Wagnalls:
    To compromise, each side must present an opinion, a plan, an action toward a mutually desired outcome.  As you can note by reading or watching the conservative media, I've yet to present a plan for resolving the kerfuffle involving the SJo Regime arriving at the current debt ceiling.  As I read the aforementioned definition, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that both sides must present a plan; the good of each plan is negotiated, the bad of each plan is discarded, arriving at a concensus and future adoption.  I have a perfectly good reason for never presenting my written plan:  I can never be held to my proposals!  I've vaguely presented my views on what is necessary to continue the regime's out-of-control federal spending--but always during a blather opportunity where my press spokesman can later argue that  any chosen statements 'were taken out of context!'
com·pro·mise  [kom-pruh-mahyz]
noun, verb, -mised, -mis·ing.
1. a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.
2. the result of such a settlement.

    We--the federal government as a whole--will never truely 'go after the waste in the budget'  until we--all political parties, affiliations--are ready to admit that the time has come to assess the actual value of each executive department, agency, board, et al,  and be prepared to eliminate those of minimal effectiveness.  Take the Department of Education for instance, what does it really do?  The conservative view would be that the department does little more than take funds in it's budget and divide them among the fifty-seven states while syphoning off enough to over-pay it's employees!   The owe-bamacRATic view is the department is valuable in it's efforts to re-write history and force-feed it to the public school student body through each state's corresponding department of education!  Not only that, the federal department is a ripe breeding ground for the next generation of socio-fascist supporters, contributors and voters!  (Is it any wonder that my children attend an up-scale private school?!?)  The same facts can define the Department of Energy as well.
    To 'get ahold of' not only waste in government but rulings, opinions, regulations of agencies, boards, et al, not beholden to the American citizenry.  There must be a complete realignment of the federal bureaucracy.  For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): This agency has done little more than stifle growth in manufacturing and employment under the guise of protecting the aforementioned citizenry.  Discounting the socio-fascist view; the socio-fascist desire for more-and-more government control with less-and-less personal liberty--the EPA should be a sub-set of the Department of The Interior.  As a sub-set, the EPA could only make recommendations to the Department Secretary, who would then present them to the Congress for action or dismissal.  In this vein the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) would be a sub-set to the Department of Commerce (with the same restrictions); the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), a sub-set of the Commerce Department (with the same restrictions).
    Get this!!  How-ta-hell does the NLRB have the authority to tell a major corporation where and how to build a manufacturing facility; how and what types of employees to hire?!? Boeing, Inc.,--the once-and-future greatest aircraft and military hardware manufacturer on the planet--is being stifled in it's pursuit of increased manufacturing capacity, employment and (for shame!) profits by the very same NLRB!  The NLRB--at the behest of George Soros and Valarie Jarrett--is opposing a Boeing, Inc., manufacturing facility in South Carolina, a 'right-to-work' state.  This open subterfuge sinks to the level of vote buying and blatant support of labor  union thugs!  With ever declining union membership, the SJo Regime has no choice but to oppose anything that reduces the prospect of increasing said membership.  The SJo Regime is extremely beholden to the union movement for their illegal and unconscionable efforts during the recent owe-bama 'Campaign of Fluff' and the current "Tour d'Lies" campaign!! 
    I'm more-and-more proud of the SJo Regime's efforts toward keeping me in office beyond 2012, but I have serious--and realistic--doubts that re-election will happen!  Again at the behest of George Soros, the 'Palace insiders' conduct opinion polls several times a week.  The steadily declining support is more-than-just-troubling to George and Val!!  At this point, even the egregious lies I'm telling the public aren't enough to stop the slide in these internal polls! (I kinda strayed off teleprompter, didn't I?!?)]
    So that means, yes, we have to make serious budget cuts; but that it’s not right to ask middle class families to pay more for college before we ask the biggest corporations to pay their fair share of taxes. It means that before we stop funding clean energy, we should ask oil companies and corporate jet owners to give up the tax breaks that other companies don’t get. Before we cut medical research, we should ask hedge fund managers to stop paying taxes at a lower rate than their secretaries. Before we ask seniors to pay more for Medicare, we should ask the wealthiest taxpayers to give up tax breaks we simply cannot afford under these circumstances.  That’s the heart of this approach: serious cuts, balanced by some new revenues. And it’s been the position of every Democratic and Republican leader who has worked to reduce the deficit, from Bill Clinton to Ronald Reagan. In fact, earlier this week, one of the most conservative members of the Senate, Tom Coburn, announced his support for a balanced, bipartisan plan that shows promise. And then a funny thing happened. He received a round of applause – from a group of Republican and Democratic senators. That’s a rare event in Washington.
So there will be plenty of haggling over the details in the days ahead. But this debate boils down to a simple choice. We can come together for the good of the country and reach a compromise; we can strengthen our economy and leave for our children a more secure future. Or we can issue insults and demands and ultimatums at each another, withdraw to our partisan corners, and achieve nothing. Well, we know the right thing to do. And we know what the American people expect us to do.
[What I'm not telling you:  One of my favorite mentors--the late Frank Marshall Davis--once told me:  "When the truth is not on your side, lie your ass off!!"  It's this affiliation with Mr Davis that led me to community agitation, socio-fascism, communism and social justice as the basis of my future political platform.  This brings me to the unconscionable lies I tell to induce panic among the citizenry; to demagogue the opposition;  the "....Social Security checks may not go out...." lie being the most recent example.  That is arguably, the most blatant lie I've told in recent weeks!   Of course they'll go out!!  There's more-than-enough income to the Treasury to cover the vast majority of payments facing the regime.  Technically, Social Security, military pay and benefits, veteran's retirement payments, welfareRAT payments, food stamps, et al; are entitlements and as such--by definition--are not subject to the debt ceiling.  See, I continually leave that part out of any conversation!!  With the highest corporate income tax rate in the universe, we're already asking the big corporations to pay their fair share.  At what point does being in business become counter-productive?!?  Greater tax obligations heaped upon corporations will have two negative affects:  First, any increase in taxes will be passed on to the consumer--realistically amounting to a tax increase on the buying public; secondly, at some point the corporation will realize the counter-productivity and move off-shore, taxes then going to a foreign state.   So what's the net gain to the regime?!?  Minutely increased revenue to the Treasury, but on the backs of the American citizenry--not that we give a crap; income is wealth re-distribution. 
    Those evil oil companies; those evil corporate jet owners have atleast one advantage over 'clean energy:'  they have a sustainable business models; sustainable business plans, something that will probably not be in the 'clean energy' grab-bag in the forseeable future!!  This 'clean energy' hand-in-hand with 'smart meters' will exert greater governmental control; allow less-and-less personal liberty for the American citizenry.  
    Speaking of corporations paying-their-fair-share, where is General Electric in all this bullshit?!?   In 2010, General Electric Corporation earned $14.2 BILLION in profits.  How much did they pay in income taxes?!?  Zero-point-crap!!  Not only that, the corporation got a $3.2 Billion TAX CREDIT!!  Not only that, Immelt's compensation package more-than-doubled to $15.2 Million!!  Not only that, the SJo Regime gave GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt a position as the regime's "Jobs Czar!!"  One must reward one's cronies; one's donors; one's supporters!! One must ignore previous edicts on 'executive compensation!!  Get this!!  "Immelt-the-Idiot" blames the lack of employment on businesses!! 
    I've introduced my demand for further income--and other--tax increases simply to put "the  fear of God Allah" into the freshmen representatives; they're forced to follow the 'Tea Party' mandate of fewer taxes, smaller government, more liberties, if they want to keep their jobs.  In fairness, do ya think Jeff Immelt--and The General Electric Corporation--will be the first
of the evil wealthy; the first of the evil corporations, to "give up the tax breaks we simply can not afford under these circurmstances?!?"  Not if George Soros, Valarie Jarrett and/or I have anything to say about it!!!  As usual, I've blathered on about essentially nothing, for far too long!!  Oh before I go:  Has anyone noticed I've scheduled a (birthday) party to coincide with the immenent economic destruction of the United States?!?  Grab $38,500 out of your dresser drawer, come on up to Chicago, you and the missus (or mister) can join me in watching the SJo Regime's destruction of America, as we know it!!]

 "The people who are part of the business sector, the people in this room, have got to stop complaining about government and get some action underway," he (Immelt) told the group (a Chamber of Commerce jobs summit). "There's no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution."



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