Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This'n'That; September Thirteenth #2; DOA

The 'Vastly Important' Jobs Bill
Anti Obama - Hope Aint Hiring
    Remember "Clown Prince" ZERO-bama The Narcissist's" forever important 'jobs' bill; the same jobs bill that was so important that he's introduced for the third time during his regime; the same jobs bill that was so important that he decided that it's writing and introduction could wait until after his monthly vacation, this time to Martha's Vine Yard?!?  Remember THAT jobs bill?!?
Anti Obama - Hope Aint Hiring
    House owe-bamacRATics have found that very same jobs bill so vastly important that, as a party, they can not find one soul to introduce it on the House floor as of mid-afternoon, 9/13!!  Without official introduction, the Congressional Budget Office can't 'score' it (Read: Determine how badly the taxpayer will be screwed, usually over ten years!).
Anti Obama - Hope Aint Hiring
    The owe-bamacRATic advisors in barackingham Palace believe this will work positively with the voters i.e., those evil, obstructionist republicRATics.  I don't think so!!  Most conservatives and constitutionalists had this amateur figured out, even before he was selected-to-be-elected!!  Although it's taken an additional two-and-one-half years, the rest of America is finally seeing through this fraudulent amateur!!
Perry for President
Til Nex'Time....
[Bumper Stickers from: http://www.fredstates.com/]



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