Remember "Clown Prince" ZERO-bama The Narcissist's" forever important 'jobs' bill; the same jobs bill that was so important that he's introduced for the third time during his regime; the same jobs bill that was so important that he decided that it's writing and introduction could wait until after his
House owe-bamacRATics have found that very same jobs bill so vastly important that, as a party, they can not find one soul to introduce it on the House floor as of mid-afternoon, 9/13!! Without official introduction, the Congressional Budget Office can't 'score' it (Read: Determine how badly the taxpayer will be screwed, usually over ten years!).
The owe-bamacRATic advisors in barackingham Palace believe this will work positively with the voters i.e., those evil, obstructionist republicRATics. I don't think so!! Most conservatives and constitutionalists had this amateur figured out, even before he was selected-to-be-elected!! Although it's taken an additional two-and-one-half years, the rest of America is finally seeing through this fraudulent amateur!!
Til Nex'Time....
[Bumper Stickers from:]
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