Friday, October 14, 2011

This'n'That; October Fourteenth #1; NY-25

An owe-bamacRATic Primary In NY-25?
    The recently defeated Dan Maffei of DeWitt, N.Y., has expressed his intention of unseating the current representative, Ann Marie Buerkle in New York's 25th Congressional District.  There may be 'a wrench' thrown into Mr Maffei's intentions in the name of one Brianne Murphy.  While Mr Maffei is running on his usual 'carrying the water' for a failed regime as he continually did in his only term in the House.  Ms Murphy--as evidenced on her campaign website--is attempting to co-opt the basic tenents of the "Tea Party" movement while subscribing to the current regime's mantra: using 'the children' when all else fails; continually displaying examples of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity; complete ignorance of the United States Constitution, et al.  One can only assume that Ms Murphy also supports "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's" 'under-the-table' payoffs to the various unions' hierarchy; payoffs to the regime's supporters, and payoffs to the regime's donors.
    Quite obviously, I'm a conservative; a constitutionalist!  I contend that 'everything wrong with the country' can be laid at the feed of our "Clown Prince."  By that admission, one can expect my opinions and views to be somewhere to the right of Limbaugh, Hannity, et al!!  That being said, if you're a Maffei or Murphy supporter, ya might wanna drop out here!
    Dan Maffei--as a one-term representative--confirmed his liberal bent with a voting record which stretches from liberal to liberty-reducing to far-reaching as evidenced by his yea vote on S-987: To Protect girls in developing countries through the prevention of child marriage, and for other purposes
What-the-hell business is it of the 111th Congress--or any numbered Congress, for that matter--what happens with respect to any resident of any other country, be it a 'third-world rathole' or not!!  Meddling actions like this as well as the direction George Soros was taking the "Clown Prince's" regime, forced the creation of the "Tea Party" movement!
    While Representative Ann Marie Buerkle squeaked out a victory in the 2010-NY25 elections, she's more than proven she's up to the task of governance!  A review of Ms Buerkle's record seems to indicate a conservatism in her vote.  Without the time to check each and every bill, it's difficult to tell the contents of a bill or amendment by it's title.  I know from experience Ms Buerkle is quick to reply to a question or comment from her constituency, as opposed to C. Ellis Schumer or "The Invisible Senator" Gillibrand.  You can check the Buerkle voting record yourself, using the proper URL below.
    In the case of the possible challenger to Mr Maffei's owe-bamacRATic candidacy, information on Brianne Murphy is difficult to find, well-hidden!  What I've located indicates that in the unlikely event Ms Buerkle is defeated, Central New York will go-to-Hell, in a hand-basket!!  Both Maffei and Murphy are progressives which is defined--by ME--as a communistic, socio-fascist, "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" water-carrier!!
    Information on Ms Murphy indicates a strong proclivity toward ultra-progressivism.  She's steeped in the ways of the District of Corruption, having worked for the retired-Rep Jim Walsh; having worked at the National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB); having worked as a lobbyist at Hall & Associates [the principal, James Hall, as Director of the NTSB at the time of the TWA800 crash, botched the investigation; refused any information to FOIL filers; refused any communication with Don and Donna Nibert-parents of victim (16 year-old) Cheryl Nibert; unexpectedly--and without explanation--resigned his directorship two years early], among other examples of liberal, progressive employments.
    In conclusion, Representative Buerkle's most formidable opponent will be Ms Murphy, presuming Murphy wins the expected primary against Mr Maffei.  Again presuming, Ms Murphy--with her education and employment--is probably proficient in the progressives' "mud-slinging" campaign mode.  If either of these political miscreants are victorious over Rep Buerkle, the results will be disasterous for the nation in general; for this region in particular!!
Til Nex'Time....
Maffei record:
Buerkle record:



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