Monday, October 3, 2011

This'n'That; October Third #2; MAG

Dog 'Murderer' Exhibition
    Now, socio-fascism has gone too-o-o-o far!!!  The Board of Directors of The Memorial Art Gallery (MAG) within The University of Rochester (N.Y.) has completely gone 'off the deep end' in their choices of exhibits and artists at the gallery.  They've contracted with a self-confessed dog 'murderer' to create two sculptures to commemorate the MAG's one-hundredth anniversary.
    The MAG has contracted with miscreant Tom Otterness to create two sculptures for display during said anniversary celebration.  In 1977, said miscreant lied to shelter officials and secured a young puppy, as a 'rescue' animal.  Said miscreant then tied the puppy to a fence and SHOT HIM DEAD!!  Said miscreant filmed the entire episode as 'art(?)'  Where do we find these unfeeling, uncaring and inconsiderate assholes?!?
    Said miscreant's pending sculptures are valued at north of a MILLION BUCKS!  I intend to--as you and you and you and you should,--contact anyone I can find beyond Mary Sue Jack, President of the Gallery Council Board of Directors at (585)533-1829.  The rest of the Board:
Lois Sumberg, First VP
Bonnie Voll, Second VP
Freddie Amstey, Admin Treasurer
Hannah Rosenblatt, Project Co-Treasurer
Kathy Schwingel, Project Co-Treasurer
Connie Klein, Recording Secretary
Carmen Signorino, Corresponding Secretary
  Some readers may know the phone numbers of the above miscreants; I suggest a call to alter their thinking; to alter their questionable choices!
Til Nex'Time....



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