Monday, November 21, 2011

This'n'That; November Twenty-First #3; Email to Cong.

Yet Another Email To Rep Buerkle:
(Sent via Congressional email on 11/21/2011)
Representative Buerkle,
    What the hell is going on with this sham known as the "Super Committee??"  This is nothing more than a circumvention of YOUR responsibilities; a method for the socio-fascists among YOU to arrive at a solution agreeable to said socio-fascists--but against the will of the taxpaying public!!
    YOU foisted this upon the American taxpayer because YOU were unable to control the runaway spending; of which YOU--as the Congress--are duplicitious!!  Not only--during YOUR formation of this sham--did YOU exempt practically anything that would affect your individual voting blocks, you undually heaped cuts on the defense budget!!  What kind of bullshit crap is that?!?  Just as the "devil's-in-the-details" of owe-bamaKare, we're finding the provisions of this ludicrious "Super Committee" are just as full of "devils!!"
    For the incompetent boob 'less-than-affectionately-known-as' "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" to have an increase in the debt ceiling--against the wishes of a majority of taxpayers--there was to be a concurrent 917-Thousand-Million-Dollar cut in spending OVER TEN-YEARS!!  That--the phrase 'over-ten-years'--is just as incompetent in it's definition as those who propose it!! YOU--as the Congress--are every-bit as incompetent as said "Clown Prince," with your approval of these initial negotiations; without restricting the additional spending as you spread the reductions "over-ten-years!!"  You--as the Congress--are intent on "screwing us--as the American taxpayer--to the wall" financially, at every turn!!
    Now we--as the American taxpayer--find that any disagreeable decision by YOU as said "Super Committee" can be legislated away!!  Combining incompetence--as personified by John McCain--with ineptness--as personified by Lindsay Graham--and we will have proposed legislation that will do away with any severe cuts to the military budget!!   What-the-hell good is an agreement when one component can just "legislate away" any disagreeable decisions?!?"
    Ms Buerkle, you must admit I've been one of your most ardent supporters both in the campaign process and your governance, subsequent!!  How can YOU--as a legislative body--maintain any credence when any and all decisions seem to be "chiseled in Jello?!?!?"  If the McCain-Graham Incompetency can "legislate away" military budget cuts; what's to say a John Hines-Kerry (coupled with another congressional miscreant) won't "legislate away" cuts in--say--infrastructure payments to labor unions, or foreign aid to muslim miscreant ratholes, or payments to Solyndra-esque green failures?!?
    The 'one-more-chance' I and others like me, gave the congress as a whole-has failed miserably!!  I've been in favor of term limits for every elective office for many years and now intend to make it a major item in every upcoming political post; every election, every campaign commentary!!
Your comments?
Justin Case
Til Nex'Time



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