Friday, December 9, 2011

This'n'That; December Nineth #1; Cudda Been The USA!

Finally, The NYT Gets It!
    An article in The New York Times ( expounded on the government's circumventing private enterprise!  The government is destroying the country's entrepreneurial spirit; the government--rather than allowing human endeavor--removes the will to succeed.  What country, you might ask: China!!  With minimal changes in fact and location, the article very well could have been written about the good ol' USA!!
    OK, so far as we know, the US' federal government doesn't steal patents; doesn't side with theives in the business world against the entrepreneur.... well, excepting the SEIU, the UAW and various other labor unions, the New Black Panthers, ACORN (or what-ever it's name is TODAY!), et al.
    What our federal government does do: promote the continued raiding of the Social Security system via the continuation of the tax 'holiday' that will benefit that 46% of Americans "pushing-the-wagon"--on average--around a thousand bucks PER YEAR.  This 'costs' each-and-every American billions-of-dollars each year in lost income to an already underfunded, failing system.  Said government is also promoting the continuation of THREE-YEARS of unemployment benefits!! 
If you're paid not to work, would you ever go looking for a job?!? 
I think not!!!
    There's one project that the obama Regime is putting on hold--attempting to keep it's voting blocks in line--that of the "Keystone XL Pipeline" project.  "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" is touting the project as only benefitting several thousand people, at the expense of the rest of the nation.  I say: Typical socio-fascist nonsense!!
As I mentioned previously, one of the primary 'engines of American economic growth' is inexpensive energy.  Said project would insure that!  Instead of the relative few obama claims would benefit, the project would benefit the entire country: some 312,744,986 (  souls.
    The republicRAT House of Representatives is (I HOPE) intending to hold 'the Princely feet' to the fire!  Said body will add "Keystone XL Pipeline" project approval to any legislation continuing the raid on Social Security.  Someone has to address the crux of the problem: run-away spending!!  I challenge my representative--Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle--to continually introduce legislation to that effect!  Instead of six representatives and six Senators assuming the Constitutional responsibility in all spending matters, the taxpayer needs a dedicated legislator 'in their corner!!'
Til Nex'Time....



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