A Patriotic Response To The "Clown Prince;" 02/11/2012
barackingham Palace,
District of Corruption
February 11, 2012
In recent weeks, we’ve seen signs that our economy is growing stronger and creating jobs at a faster clip. While numbers and figures will go up and down in the coming months, what cannot waver is our resolve to do everything in our power to keep stoking the fires of the recovery. And the last thing we should do is let Washington stand in the way. You see, at the end of the month, taxes are set to go up on 160 million working Americans. If you’re one of them, then you know better than anyone that the last thing you need right now is a tax hike. But if Congress refuses to act, middle class taxes will go up. It’s that simple. Now, if this sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve been here before. Back in December, Congress faced this exact same predicament. Ultimately, thanks to your voices, they did the right thing – but only after a great deal of bickering and political posturing that put the strength of our economy and the security of middle class families at risk. We can’t go through that again.
[What I'm not telling you: Here we go again! We going to create enormous amounts of drama over $17.50 in the average Americans' weekly paycheck. For my part, I intend to continue my various 'warfares' right up through the November elections. Oh, by-the-way; that election is a mere 270 days from today, on November 6, 2012.
{BACK to the teleprompter!}
Neither major political party really cares about this $17.50. It's nothing more than a 'political football,' to be kicked back-and-forth across the aisles of Congress. Essentially, we're fighting over 8 and 3/4 loaves of store-brand Italian bread; 4 and 1/2 pounds of hamburger; 4 and 1/2 gallons of gasoline; less than two trips around your lawn by the neighborhood kid and his-or-her lawnmower!! As he did with the 'General' Holder-sanctioned Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata murders, the George Soros media and political manipulation 'machine' is developing plans as we speak, to force Speaker John Boehner to weep before the cameras, then back down on this class-warfare issue. You might remember the last time: Soros forced Speaker Boehner to back pedal on Rep Darrelll Issa's insistance that 'General' Holder be charged with perjury for his knowledge and participation in the "Fast'n'Furious" scandal; vast amounts of evidence and testimony notwithstanding!!]
Congress needs to stop this middle class tax hike from happening. Period. No drama. No delay. And no ideological side issues that have nothing to do with this tax cut. Now is not the time for self-inflicted wounds to our recovery. Now is the time for common-sense action. And this tax cut is common-sense. If you’re a family making about $50,000 a year, this tax cut amounts to about $1,000 a year. That’s about $40 in every paycheck. I know there are some folks in this town who think $40 isn’t a lot of money. But to a student or a senior who’s trying to stretch the budget a little bit further? To a parent who’s filling up the tank and looking at rising gas prices? To them, $40 can make all the difference in the world. And so can your voice. I hope you’ll pick up the phone, send a tweet, write an email, and tell your representative that they should get this done before it gets too late. Tell them not to play politics again by linking this debate to unrelated issues. Tell them not to manufacture another needless standoff or crisis. Tell them not to stand in the way of the recovery. Tell them to just do their job. That’s what our middle class needs. That’s what our country needs. In the wake of the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we’re getting things going again. And we’re going to keep at it until everyone shares in America’s comeback.
[What I'm not telling you: Notice how we just 'picked' the annual wage of $50,000?!? That number is purely policitcal in that it makes the potential 'tax-hike' appear much larger than the amount that really affects the majority of American wage earners. 2007 statistics are the most recent available to the general public. Those statistics--from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development--reveal that the United States' median income is $31,111--a far cry from the $50,000 I read from the teleprompter!! When actual numbers are considered, the tax benefits are reduced from $40 per paycheck ($20 per week!!) to a far more relevant amount of LESS THAN $12.00 per week!! It's all about class warfare; about economic warfare.
As I urge the public to contact their representatives in support of this tax scam, the public might consider that tax obligations are far from the most immediate peril to their paycheck; FEDERAL SPENDING IS!! The informative 'U.S. Debt Clock" (http://www.usdebtclock.org/) indicates that currently, there are approximately 140,979,180 'souls' in the American workforce. My 2012 budget proposal suggests that I MIGHT BE HELD TO deficit spending of $901 BILLION.... Whoop-tee-doo!!!
For the ease of computation, let's assume that all nearly 141 MILLION workers are median wage earners, earning the aforementioned $31,111; that there are 2,080 work-hours in the standard work-year; that given the previous assumptions, the median hourly wage is $14.96.
Essentially, that means just this year, the INDIVIDUAL median American worker must work 4,274.5 HOURS!! Does the reader realize that to accomplish this, the median worker will work his standard 2,080 hour work year at the $14.96 hourly rate. To satisfy just this year's projected annual deficit, each median worker must work an additional 1,463 hours at 'time-and-a-half!!' This will result in a workday--EVERY DAY, five-days-a-week for an entire calendar year--of 13.85 HOURS-PER-DAY!! AND.... EVERY-DAM'-DOLLAR of said annual earnings would have to be GIVEN to the federal government to satisfy JUST this year's deficit spending!!
Every year of my dictitorial rule, I'm amazed at the numbers of spineless, whiney-assed, 'go-along, to-get-along' congress-persons who're elected to try to reign me in!! As much as I hate to admit it; the "Tea Party" Movement is on the right track; less spending, smaller government and reduction or elimination of entitlement programs. It'll never gain enough traction to stop me--actually, stop George Soros--from massive 'credit-card' spending; from growing said entitlements as a method of 'voter-base enhancement!']
Saturday, February 11, 2012
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