Friday, February 10, 2012

This'n'That; February Tenth #1; More Gaffes!

'Dum-Bass' Illustrates his "Illiteracy!"
    "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist"--while having the standard 'policital' degree of Juris Doctor--has got to be the most-hugest 'dum-bass (dumb ass)' of both the twentieth and twenty-first centuries for whom a presidency was purchased!!  Remember--on February 4, 2010, while speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast--when the incompetent boob occupying barackingham Palace referred to Christian Brossard as a Navy  'Corpse'-man rather than the 'Core'-man?!? (and he said it TWICE!!)
     The same type of gaffe occurred during "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's" teleprompter blather yesterday at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, when he said:
"....with the help of Democratic and Republican attorney generals from nearly every...."
O.K., 'Dum-Bass!!'  The complicit miscreant-morons you referred to are ATTORNEYS-GENERAL, not attorney-generals!!  With all of my great, great, great-grandchildren's--as yet, unearned--money you've pissed away in the last three miserable years, can't you withhold some union-bribery money; some donor pay-off money, to hire someone with--at least--a passing acquaintance with the english language?!?
I'm jis sayin'....
'Splain to me why Soros picked you to be 'ruler?!?'
Til Nex'Time....



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