Thursday, February 9, 2012

This'n'That; February Ninth #2; 'Tricked??'

'Trickery' Redefined!
    The words 'trickery; trick, are being redefined by the owe-bama Regime. The 'Funk 'n' Wagnalls' version:
1.  An act or procedure intended to achieve an end by deceptive or fraudulent means.
2.  A mischievious action; a prank.
3.  A stupid, disgraceful, or childish act or performance.
1.  The practice or use of tricks; deception by stratagem.
"Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist's" redefinition:
1.  A deceptive or fraudulent act by any number of large banks, relative to the issuance of mortgages.
1.  A loan/mortgage officer's strategy of deceiving mortgagers
    As his blather opportunity at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building indicated, the "Clown Prince" and his miscreant 'General' Holder are happier-than-a-pig-in-sh*t!!!  And of course, he had to parade a group of 'the offended' before the national pamphleteers for effect.  As many before me have factually stated--and the "Clown Prince" and many other owe-bamacRATics refuse to acknowledge--this whole residential mortgage travesty began with the "Slick-Willie" Clinton administration.  "Slick" and his HUD Secretary--the current New York Governor--Andrew Cuomo pressured both the GSEs and private bankers to issue mortgages to those of marginal qualifications.  All presidents since, exacerbated the kerfuffle with the added pressure of their own vote-buying schemes.
    Now with George Soros finally admitting "Clown Prince ZERO-bama, the Narcissist" is no longer the 'shoo-in' for a second term that everyone believed, they've got to do something--ANYTHING--to shore up their voter base.  My guess is: privately, George is wondering how he could have picked such a stupid individual to buy a presidency for!!  The "Clown Prince" daily proves that advanced education does not indicate advanced intelligence.
    The "Clown Prince" and his minions would have you believe that bankers all across the country looked out their office windows one day, saw some unsuspecting folks walking down the street, ran out to them and individually ordered them into his office.  Using the 'presidential version of trickery,' said bankers then cajoled these some-millions of unsuspecting passers-by into signing mortgage papers for some house that's most probably beyond their means.  Have you ever known anyone who was dragged--kickin'n'screamin'--into a bank to sign the paperwork for a mortgage they didn't want?!?  NEITHER HAVE I!!!
Your thoughts?
Til Nex'Time....



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